Événements & colloques
Théâtre & Voyage II

Théâtre & Voyage II

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Loïc Guyon)

The Humanities Research Institute of the University of Ulster

in partnership with the

'Centre de Recherche Aixois sur l'Imagination à la Renaissance et à l'Age Classique'
(CRAIRAC, Université d'Aix-Marseille 1)

and the

'Centre de Recherche sur la Littérature des Voyages'
(CRLV, Université de Paris 4 Sorbonne)


Theatre & Travel 2 / Théâtre & Voyage II

An international conference on the representation of travel and travellers on the French theatrical stage from the 17th to the 19th century, organised by Dr Loïc Guyon (University of Ulster) and Dr Sylvie Requemora-Gros (Université d'Aix-Marseille 1) with the support of the Ireland Fund de France and the Centre for the Study of Human Settlement and Historical Change (NUI, Galway).

'Theatre & Travel 2' follows up on a one-day conference which was organised on the 1st of May 2003 by Dr Guyon at the Centre for the Study of Human Settlement and Historical Change of the National University of Ireland Galway, and which led to the publication of the first special issue of the Irish Journal of French Studies in 2004.

Thursday 7 and Friday 8 September 2006, University of Ulster (Magee campus), MD007.


Thursday 7 September 2006

10.00: Conference opening and welcoming speech.

Session 1

10.30: Voyages dans un fauteuil: mises en scène de l'exotisme au théâtre et sur les cartes géographiques (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) (Dr Guy Spielmann, Georgetown University)

11.00: Coffee break

11.30: Théâtre du séjour ou théâtre du parcours: réflexions sur la naissance du “théâtre de voyage” en France (Dr Sylvie Requemora-Gros, CRLV, CRAIRAC, Université d'Aix-Marseille 1)

12.00: 'Thus time we waste, and long leagues make short' : le théâtre à l'épreuve du voyage en France et en Angleterre, dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle (Ms Véronique Lochert, Ecole Normale Supérieure et Université de Paris 4 Sorbonne)

Lunch (13.00-14.00)

Session 2

14.00: Récits d'Orient et tragédies turques (Mr David Chataignier, Université de Paris 4 Sorbonne)

14.30: Les voyages de Molière (Prof. Robert McBride, HRI, University of Ulster)

15.00: Coffee break

15.30: Voyage et mise en scène d'un questionnement dans le théâtre de Marivaux (Dr. Huguette Krief, CRAIRAC, Université d'Aix-Marseille 1)

16.00: Voyages sur terre et aux enfers dans l'opéra du XVIIIe siècle (Prof. Béatrice Didier, Ecole Normale Supérieure et Université de Paris 8)

Conference dinner at the Beech Hill Country House Hotel, Ardmore (from 19.30)

Friday 8 September 2006

Session 3

9.30: Le voyage sur les tréteaux de la Révolution (Dr Geneviève Goubier, CRAIRAC, Université d'Aix-Marseille 1)

10.00: 'Gardez votre macaroni; ne lui préférez pas la choucroute': l'idée de style national à l'Opéra de Paris autour des expositions universelles (Dr Cormac Newark, HRI, University of Ulster)

10.30: Coffee break

11.00: La scène est à l'Isle de France. Paul et Virginie, drame, comédie et ballet-pantomime au XIXe siècle (Prof. Serge Rivière, University of Limerick)

11.30: Représentations de l'Extrême-Orient dans le théâtre de voyage au XIXe siècle (Dr Loïc Guyon, HRI, University of Ulster)

12.00: Synthèse du colloque / Conclusion (Prof. François Moureau, CRLV, Université de Paris 4 Sorbonne)

Theatre & Travel 2 / Théâtre & Voyage II
Thursday 7 and Friday 8 September 2006,
University of Ulster (Magee campus).


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Signature: .........................................................................

Please tick one of the following options and return this form along with the corresponding fee to Dr Loïc Guyon, School of Languages & Literature, University of Ulster, Magee Campus, Londonderry BT48 7JL, Northern Ireland:

□ All inclusive conference package : £170/€250 (includes tea/coffee breaks for Day 1 and 2 + lunch for Day 1 + Conference dinner at the Beech Hill Country House Hotel on Day 1 + Single room with breakfast at the City Hotel for the nights of Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 September 2006).

Please add £60/€90 and tick here if you wish to stay for one more night (Friday 8): □

□ Overnight package: £110/€160 (includes tea/coffee breaks for Day 1 and 2 + lunch for Day 1 + Conference dinner at the Beech Hill Country House Hotel on Day 1 + Single room with breakfast at the City Hotel for the night of Thursday 7 September 2006).

□ Conference dinner package: £50/€75 (includes tea/coffee breaks for Day 1 and 2 + lunch for Day 1 + Conference dinner at the Beech Hill Country House Hotel on Day 1)

□ Day-only package: £15/€25 (includes tea/coffee breaks for Day 1 and 2 + lunch for Day 1)