Événements & colloques
The Eighteenth-Century Body

The Eighteenth-Century Body

Publié le par Eloïse Lièvre (Source : C18-L)

Intervenants et communications:

Dr Malcolm Baker of the V&A (the eighteenth-century portrait bust)

Dr Colin Bailey of the National Gallery of Canada [and shortly the Frick Collection] (narrative and mythological painting)

Professor Marcia Pointon of the University of Manchester (the jewelled body)

Dr Aileen Ribeiro of the Courtauld Institute (fashioning the female body)

Professor Susan Siegfried of the University of Leeds (the body and sexual fantasy in eighteenth-century art)

Dr Richard Wrigley of Oxford Brookes University (the representation of sans-culottes in revolutionary France)

and probably Professor Philippe Bordes of Paris-Nanterre (subject as yet unknown).

Professor Colin Jones of Warwick University (teeth and smiles in eighteenth-century Paris)

Professor Roy Porter of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine in London (doctors, bodies and souls in enlightened Britain)

Professor Elena Russo of Johns Hopkins University (faire un même corps: on the contagious nature of the passions)

Professor Anne Vila of the University of Madison-Wisconsin (virile minds and ambiguous bodies: the peculiar constitutional traits attributed to the "great thinker" in eighteenth-century French literature and medecine)

and probably Professor Thomas Laqueur of Berkeley (medicine and sexology). The philosophy of mind is treated by:

Professor Michael Moriarty of Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London (Malebranche and the pre-history of the eighteenth-century body) and

Professor Barbara Stafford of the University of Chicago (the associative cortex and eighteenth-century aesthetics).

Literary subjects are discussed by:

Dr Ros Ballaster of Oxford University (fashioning the oriental body in eighteenth-century fiction)

Professor Michel Delon of the Sorbonne (le couple corps/machine dans le roman libertin à la fin du dix-huitième siècle),

Professor Anne Deneys-Tunney of New York University (la sémiotisation du corps féminin dans le roman du dix-huitième siècle)

Professor Beatrice Fink of the University of Maryland (Sades baroque bodies) and

Nancy Miller of Lehman College and the City University of New York (on the images of womens bodies used on covers of twentieth-century editions of eighteenth-century fiction).

Professor George Rousseau of De Montfort University (the male body, organs of generation, and pornography).