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Terror and The Arts. Artistic, Literary, and Political Interpretations of Violence from Dostoyevsky to Abu Ghraib

Terror and The Arts. Artistic, Literary, and Political Interpretations of Violence from Dostoyevsky to Abu Ghraib

Publié le par Gabriel Marcoux-Chabot (Source : Site web de la maison d'édition)

HYVÄRINEN, Matti et Lisa MUSZYNSKI (dir.), Terror and The Arts. Artistic, Literary, and Political Interpretations of Violence from Dostoyevsky to Abu Ghraib, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 272 p.
ISBN 0-230-60671-7


Terror, dread, and violence against civilianpopulations constitute a true predicament of our contemporary politicalworld. Authoritarian governments develop methods to capitalize on thearts in support of terror, where violence and trauma provoke more ofthe same in a vicious circle. This book argues that the arts—from filmand literature to painting and comics—offers qualitatively differentreadings of terror and trauma, readings that endeavor to resist theexploitation and perpetuation of violence. The contributors suggestthat political inquiry into the phenomenon of terror may benefitprofoundly by developing non-reductive ways of reading the arts.


Matti Hyvärinen is an Academy of Finland Research Fellow, Department of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Tampere

Lisa Muszynski is currently a doctoral candidate in the Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki.