Événements & colloques
Society for French Studies 52nd Annual Conference 

Society for French Studies 52nd Annual Conference

Publié le par Vincent Ferré (Source : Francofil (Kate Griffiths, SFS Publicity Officer))

Societyfor French Studies 52nd Annual Conference

QueenMary, University of London, 4 – 6 July 2011

Programme(as at Jan. 2011)

Monday 4 July 2011

12.00 onward                       Registration

12.00-1.00pm             Session for postgraduate students

12.30-1.30pm            Buffet Lunch for all delegates

1.30 -2.45pm              Welcome and Plenary Lecture One


Anne Simon (CNRS Paris)

2.45-3.15pm               Afternoon Tea & PostgraduatePoster Session

3.15-4.45pm              PANEL SESSIONS ONE

After Merleau-Ponty: phenomenologyand its transformation (i)

CHAIR: tbc

i) ‘Les chemins de laSainte-Victoire : Refondation ou réfutation de la phénoménologie àpartir de Cézanne', RenatoBoccali (Libera Università di Lingue e comunicazione IULM, Milan)

ii) ‘Mises de lanature et risques des images', Adriana Bontea (Universityof Sussex)

iii) ‘The Wild Being of LouiseBourgeois: Merleau-Ponty in the Flesh', Lorna Collins, (University of Cambridge)

Kin andCommunity (i)

CHAIR: tbc

i) ‘“La Citéheureuse et fraternelle de demain”: Twentieth-Century France as Utopia in Zola'sTravail', Claire White(University of Cambridge)

ii) ‘Sullied by Proxy: Crime and Family Ties inNineteenth-Century France', CéciliaFalgas-Ravry (University of Cambridge)

iii)‘The uses of servitude: community,kinship and freedom in Maryse Condé's Moi Tituba, sorcière… Noire de Salem', Eva Sansavior (University of Oxford)

‘Politics is for grown-ups':Children'sstories and literature from war to peace

CHAIR:Kiera Vaklavik (Queen Mary Universityof London)

i)‘“Some elephants collaborate…” Babarthe Free French Elephant and children's broadcasting from London (1941-1944)', Lindsey Dodd (University of Reading)

ii) ‘“These children have lived through the war!” The“purging” of children's literature in post war France', Sophie Heywood (University of Reading)

iii)‘Picturing the War without a Name',Penelope Brown (University of Manchester)

Le français:pluriforme, protéïforme

CHAIR: tbc

i) ‘Le buzz éclair du françaismoderne', Ekaterina Koulechova, (Paris IV-Sorbonne)

ii) ‘Du « françaisélectronique » au « franco-algérien »', Nourredine Bessadi (Université Mouloud Mammeri – TiziOuzou / Algérie)

iii) ‘Towards a New Linguistic Atlas of French: a framework and ideas for a study of variation in the French ofNorthern France', DamienHall (University of Kent)

4.45-5.15pm              Tea/Coffee &Postgraduate Poster Session

5.15-6.30pm              Plenary Lecture Two

CHAIR: tbc

Richard Terdiman (University of California,Santa Cruz)

6.30pm                       Wine Reception,generously supported by the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, QueenMary, University of London.

7.15pm                      Buffet Dinner

Tuesday 5 July 2011

7.30-9.00am               Breakfast

9.00-10.00am             Annual General Meeting of theSociety for French Studies

9.00-10.30am             Postgraduate Poster Session

10.00-10.30am           Tea/Coffee and Postgraduate Poster Session

10.30-12.30                  PANELSESSIONS TWO

After Merleau-Ponty: phenomenologyand its transformation (ii)

CHAIR: tbc

i) ‘Michel Henry et laphénoménologie de la vie', Simon Brunfaut (FNRS-UniversitéCatholique de Louvain)

ii) ‘L'incertitude démocratiquechez Lefort et Gauchet', Philip Knee (Université Laval, Canada)

iii) ‘Uneautre phénoménologie : réflexions sur la revalorisation du corps dans laphénoménologie matérielle de Michel Henry', Olivier Salazar-Ferrer (Universityof Glasgow)

iv)‘Towards a feminist phenomenology ofperception? Maurice Merleau-Ponty and his feminist critics', Kate Ince (University of Birmingham)

Children'sfiction/Children in Fiction (i) French Contemporary


i) ‘The happiness ofogres: a look at the modern role of the fairytale in the fiction of Tournierand Pennac', Natalie Sheehan (Universityof Cambridge)

ii) ‘« Tous les enfants sauf un ».La mort de l'enfant dans la trilogie de Philippe Forest',Anne-Gaëlle Saliot (Duke University)

iii)‘The deathlychild: Mutism and the deadly power of writing in Pascal Quignard's work',Léa Vuong (King's College London)

iv) ‘« Tous les enfantsgrandissent sauf un » : l'enfant éternel dans la littératurecontemporaine à partir de Romancenerveuse de Camille Laurens',Jutta Fortin (Université de Vienneet CIEREC, Université de Saint-Étienne)

France and Islam


i) ‘Commanding theFaithful: Abd el Kader and General Paul Azan', Gavin Bowd (University of St Andrews)

ii)‘Musulmans et laïques: some paradoxical dimensions of the publicdebates on Islam in France', Nadia Kiwan (University of Aberdeen)

iii)‘Thomas Ismaÿl Urbain and the “RoyaumeArabe”: The contentious issue of “Indigènophile” policies in France and FrenchAlgeria in the 1860s', Sheila Walsh (National University ofIreland, Galway)

Fantasies of Community in Medieval French Texts

CHAIR:Simon Gaunt (King's College London)

i) ‘Genre,Ideology and Utopia in “Huonde Bordeaux”', Luke Sunderland (University of Durham)

ii)‘Christian Community and theUntranslatable in Old French Saints' Lives', Thomas Hinton (University of Oxford)

iii)‘Animal Dreams: Fantasy and theOrigins of Community in “Perceforest”', Miranda Griffin (University of Cambridge)

12.30-1.30pm                        Lunch

1.30-3.00pm              PANEL SESSIONS THREE

Interartistic Dialogue andIntermediality: Theories, Debates, Perspectives

CHAIR: JeanDuffy (University of Edinburgh)

i)‘Ut sculptura poesis? Literary-SculpturalIntersections from Balzac to Proust', Nigel Harkness (Queens University Belfast)

ii)‘“Un dialogue de sourds”: Words and Music for Stravinsky', Peter Dayan (University of Edinburgh)

iii) ‘Kinaesthetic Connections:From Un Coup de dés toMan Ray's Les Mystères du Château du Dé', Kim Knowles (University of Kent)

iv) ‘“Faire danser les sentiments”: RolandPetit's Proust ou les intermittences du coeur', Marion Schmid (University of Edinburgh)

Beyond Children: The 21st CenturyBandeDessinée

CHAIR: KeithReader (University of Glasgow)

i)‘Women of the BD New Wave: FemalePresence in the Works of Trondheimand Larcenet', Catriona MacLeod(University of Glasgow)                    

ii)‘BD and The New Renaissance', Laurence Grove (University of Glasgow)

iii) ‘Anti-colonialactivism meets the avant-garde in Yvan Alagbé's bandes dessinées', Mark McKinney (Miami University, Ohio)

iv)‘Recent developments in autobiographyin bande dessinée and bandedessinée blogs', Ann Miller (University of Leicester)

Children'sfiction/Children in Fiction (ii) French & Francophone


i)‘Fertile Imaginations: Children in theWorks of Marcel Proust and Louise Bourgeois', Catherine Crimp (University of Cambridge)

ii)‘Attention Girls and Boys: Gender inFrench and American Children's Literature', Julie Fette (Rice University,Houston)

iii) ‘Entre fiction etréalité : l'enfance face à la Shoah dans La Rafle de Rose Bosch',Audrey Brunetaux (Colby College, Maine)

iv) ‘Re-defining Antillean: Child Protagonists inAntillean Children's Literature',Jill Gaeta (The College of St.Scholastica, Duluth)

Kin & Community (ii) Historical Views

CHAIR: tbc

i) ‘« Famille, Patrie, Humanité ». Progressisme et humanisme dans laphilosophie de Maurice Blondel (1861-1949)', Nicolas Delhopital(Institut Supérieur de Philosophie,Université catholique de Louvain)

ii) ‘TheScourge of Avarice in Olivier de Serres's Theatre d'agriculture etmesnage des champs (1600)', Jonathan Patterson, (University of Cambridge)

iii) ‘La représentation de lacommunauté nationale et familiale dans les fêtes de Vichy : une tentativede réécriture culturelle d'une philosophie (1940-1944)',Rémi Dalisson, (Université de Rouen)

3.15-5.30pm              AFTERNOON ACTIVITY (tbc)

5.40-7.00pm              Plenary Lecture Three

                                   CHAIR:Shirley Jordan (Queen Mary, University of London)

                                   MarieDarrieussecq, novelist

7.15pm                      Wine reception, with jazz from the TonyWoods Project

8.00pm                       Conference dinner in the Octagon,followed by the R H Gapper Charitable Trust Awards (Book Prize, Graduate Essay,Undergraduate Essay) and the award of the Malcolm Bowie Prize.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

7.30-9.00am               Breakfast

9.00-10.15am             Plenary Lecture Three

CHAIR: Michael Moriarty(Queen Mary, University of London)

                                   RichardParish (University of Oxford)

10.15-10.45am           Tea/Coffee and Postgraduate Poster Session

10.45-12.45                PANEL SESSIONS FOUR

Poétique /Utopique

CHAIR: Hugues Azérad (University of Cambridge)

i) ‘Poems andtheir destinies: the ambiguities of anticipation', Patrick O'Donovan (University College, Cork)

ii) ‘The body and its horizons: some aspects ofRimbaud's Illuminations', Greg Kerr, (University of Lancaster)

iii) ‘Henri Michaux. Choraas Utopia', Michael G. Kelly (University of Limerick)

Actualité de Barthes: Les cours et séminaires

CHAIR: MichaelSheringham (University of Oxford)                                     

i)‘Roland Barthes as Consecrated Heretic',Lucy O'Meara (University of Kent) 

ii)‘“Le Discours de l'histoire”: Derrida,Kristeva and writing readers',Maria O'Sullivan (University of Oxford)

iii) ‘Le Séminaire sur Sarrasine :Le '68 de Roland Barthes', Claude Coste (Université de GrenobleIII)

Magic& Fiction: Medieval and Early Modern

CHAIR: tbc

i) ‘Le Philtre : degrés defictionnalité de la magie (du XIIe au XVe siècle)' Brînduşa-Elena Grigoriu (Université« Alexandru Ioan Cuza », Romania)

ii) ‘Magie naturelle, science occulte etmanipulation dans le Francion de Charles Sorel'Mathilde Aubague (Université de Bourgogne)

iii)‘Magic in the Romances of Chrétien deTroyes', Jeff Rider (Wesleyan University)

1.00pm                      Lunch