Événements & colloques
So Far, So Glad: A Mexican Week under the Aegis of Edward James - Metaphors to the Fore

So Far, So Glad: A Mexican Week under the Aegis of Edward James - Metaphors to the Fore

Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate

So Far, So Glad: A Mexican Week under the Aegis of Edward James (6-11 March 2011)

- The Interzones E.M. Joint Doctorate -
- Universidad Iberoamerica Ciudad de Mexico -

- Patronato del Jardin y Museo Escultorico E. James, Xilitla -
- The Neuro-Humanities Research Centre, Tlalpan -

The 6th Conference on Neuro-Humanities

Metaphors to the Fore (Head), 7 March 2011
Re-Visiting E. James at Las Pozas, Xilitla, 9-11 March 2011

Conference Programme

Sunday, 6 March 2011: The Giordano Bruno Neuroaesthetic Gallery, Avenida Desierto de los Leones No.
5469 Alcantarilla, Alvaro Obregón, 01770 Ciudad de México DF

By personal invitation only

Francisco Gomez Mont Avalos, The NeuroHumanities Research Centre and Didier Girard, The
Interzones EMJD, invite you to...

19.30 : Apéritif: A hypnotic and hypnagogic experience by Citlali Maldonado, "Magnetism and Mesmerism"
20.30 : Comida

Metaphors to the Fore (Head)

Professor Alejandro Mendoza Alvarez, Director of the Faculty of Arts and Communication, and Professor
Gloria Prado, welcome at the Iberoamerican University of Mexico City

The Xavier Scheiffler Auditorium,
Prolongación Paseo dela Reforma 880
Col. Lomas de Santa Fe.
Deleg. Álvaro Obregón. México, D.F. C.P., 01219
Organization: Gloria Prado ( +52 5559504326) & Luis Felipe Canudas
( +52 (55) 59 50 4336 / 4061)

Monday, 7 March 2011

9.00 Jose Morales Orozco, S.J., Rector of the Iberoamerican University of Mexico, Marie-Anne Coninsx,
Head representative of the EU Delegation in Mexico,
9.15 Javier Prado Galán, S.J., Pro-rector for Academic Affairs,
"Bergson and the Neurohumanities"
9:40 Plenary Talk by Michal Pawel Markowski, The University of Illinois, Chicago,
"Anthropology, Mimesis and Mirror Neurons"
10:30 Jovan Kostov, The Oriental Languages Institute (INALCO), Paris / IMJ, Skopje
"Computational vs. Neuro Translations of Proverbial Metaphors "
11:00 Jonathan Pollock, The University of Perpignan, France,
"From Metaphors to Metamorphosis: Pound"
11:30 Debate and Coffee Break
12:00 The Philosophical Café (Round table), "Thinking Metaphors", 10 to 15' for each argument
with Alexander Zatyrka (uia) on cultures, science and faith, and Jonathan Pollock (Perpignan, France) on
Lucretius, Giordano Bruno and René Thom.
Other participants will of course be welcome to take part in the round table.
13:15: Ingrid Hotz Davies, University of Tübingen, Germany,
"Shakespeare's Sonnets and the Analogical Imagination"
14:00 Comida
15:00 Franca Franchi, The University of Bergamo, Italy,
"Metaphors of Phantasmagoria in Modern Times"
15:30 Jose Luis Barrios, The Iberoamericana, Mexico City,
"Caligrama, metáfora y vaciamiento en los Detectives Salvajes de Roberto Bolaño"
16:00 Saugata Bhaduri, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India,
"Ritual Lingams and Lord Shiva"
16:30 Joseline Vega Osornio, The Neurohumanities Centre, Tlalpan,
"Empathy and the Rise of the Neuro-Novel"
17:00 Debate and coffe break
17:30 Francisco Lopez Ruiz, The Iberoamericana, Mexico City,
"Damien Hirst: Bodies, texts and images"
18:00 Didier Girard, The University of Haute Alsace, France,
"Literature as Metaphor for Collecting Collectors"
18:45 Camille Dumoulié, The University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre, France,
"Down with Metaphors?! (Heidegger, Lacan, Derrida, & Nietzsche)"
19:30 Clausura y Brindis
Francisco Gomez Mont Avalos, "Neurometaphors, Cerebral Hemispheres and Cultures"

Re-Visiting E. James at Las Pozas, Xilitla
9-11 March 2011

So Far, So Glad:
A Mexican Week under the Aegis of Edward James

Mexico & the STARS

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Metaphors of the day: Cosmogonies / Infinites / Curse, Fate fortune and Chance / Power and shortcomings
of the mind / Mythopeiea / Blue /Stars / Utopias / Evil and Holy spirits, etc...

16:00 Welcome by Roberto Hernandez Ramirez, cosmopolitan Patron of the Arts, and Zaira Linan, Director of
the Garden of Sculptures in Xilitla.
16:15 Didier Girard, "An astrological reading of E. James's Life. The Glittering 20s and 30s."
19:00 Early dinner
20:00 1st Encounter : Antonin Artaud (Round Table)
Suggested topics: C. Dumoulié, "Le réveil de l'Oiseau-Tonnrre" / Michal Pawel Markowski, " Artaud before
Artaud: Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz" / D. Girard, "Cassady, Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs go to Mexico" / J.
Pollock, "Encounter with Ciguri", "The Fall of Montezuma"

NEW Mexico
Thursday, 10 March 2011

Metaphors of the day: The Earth / Beasts and the animal / Blood / Cults and rituals / Das Ding / Modernism /
Nostos / Brown and red / nunc et hunc / Bodies / Matrix, mould and artefacts, etc.

9:00 Guided Tour of the Garden of Sculptures
11:00 D. Girard, "The Vedanta Movement. Europe in the Rear-View Mirror" (the 40s and 50s).
13:00 Comida
15:00 2nd Encounter : D.H. Lawrence (Round Table)
Suggested topics: I. Hotz-Davies & D. Girard, "Leonora Carrington as Playwright for Recluses" / C.
Dumoulié, "Frieda de l'autre bout de la queue du serpent: Jouissance de femme. Jouissance de la femme" /
Pollock reads "The Woman Who Rode Away" / F. Franchi, "Roger Caillois, Remedios and the Remedy of
Stones" / J. Pollock, "Messages révolutionnaires (Rivera, Izquierda)"

Friday, 11 March 2011

Metaphors of the day: Synapses / Floral proliferation / Extensions / Pink, orange, fuchsia and yellow / Liquid
subjectivity / Contingency and connectivity / Kitsch / Viruses and Mutability / Polymath molecular textures / Ex-
centricity / the etceterative.....

Morning: Getting Lost amongst the Orchids

11:00 Didier Girard, E. James's Art of Latent Excess (the 60s & 70s)
13:00 Comida
15:00 3rd Encounter : Ezra Pound (Round Table)
Suggested topics: J. Pollock, "Canto 12: Anti-capitalist fascist Economics Or, Enslaving yourself to two Buck-
Niggers" / D. Girard, "Proliferating Wormds: Henri Michaux" / J. Kostov, "Verbal Translation Processes" or
"Procédures de traductions du Groupe Verbal" or "Hasta luego la traducion" / J. Pollock, "Conjuring up
Popocatapetl to erupt" / I. Hotz-Davies, "The Etceterative"

Saturday, 12 March, 7:30
Going Back to the City with "The Glass Omnibus"