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Romanica Wratislaviensia LXIII: Mots en listes: usages et fonctions

Romanica Wratislaviensia LXIII: Mots en listes: usages et fonctions

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Joanna Jakubowska)

Référence bibliographique : Romanica Wratislaviensia LXIII, Mots en listes: usages et fonctions, (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis Nr 3720), sous la rédaction de J. Jakubowska et W. Ucherek, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2016, EAN13 : 9788322935422

Mots en listes – usages et fonctions

Table des matières, 5-6

Joanna Jakubowska, Witold Ucherek, Présentation, 7-9

Anna Bochnakowa, « Les mots français dans le Waaren Lexicon de Ph. A. Nemnich (fin du XVIIIe s.) » , 11-19


The article is a description of French vocabulary included in the multilingual dictionary of merchandise from the 18th century entitled Waaren-Lexicon in zwölf Sprachen by Ph.A. Nemnich. The examples were taken from the French-German part of the publication to illustrate the contents and principles of the lexicon. The presented dictionary is a valuable testimony of multilingual vocabulary in the field of merchandise, but above all an example of a pioneering, comprehensive dictionary of technical language, used in a specific occupational field.


Estèle Dupuy, Corinne Féron, « Contribution à l’étude diachronique du vocabulaire relatif au son : remarques sur la traduction du livre V du De architectura de Vitruve par Jean Martin (1547) », 21-40


            Our study tries to precise the signification of words which were used to speak about sound in technical, scientific or practical texts since these words were apprehended only through literary source in ancient and modern dictionaries. This paper deals with lexical choices made by Jean Martin in his translation of De Architectura of Vitruvius, which is the first French translation (1547). This translation has been followed by several other translations (including those by Claude Perrault, Charles Maufras, Catherine Saliou). We focused on three terms : loquence and barbotement, which are product of an interpretation of Vitruvius’ text, and resonance, which, in Martin’s meaning, is a product of a semantic change.


Kaja Gostkowska, « Apprivoiser la richesse des couleurs sur la palette du peintre, ou vers une liste terminologique des noms de couleurs », 41-52


Colour as a subject has led to numerous studies in various disciplines (such as physics, psychology, chemistry or history of art, to name a few). In the field of linguistics, the names of colours have been analysed from different points of view but all those works concerned mostly the words related to colours used in the general language. The aim of the present paper is to focus on the terms related to colours used in history of art texts, and to show the unexpected complexity of such terminology. After presenting the definitions of colour we will describe two different aspects of French terminology related to colour: firstly, the forms of terms from the point of view of their morphological and semantic motivation, and secondly, the cultural and historical reasons of such linguistic abundance and complexity of the colours’ terminology.


Monika Grabowska, « Les dictionnaires dans l’apprentissage du FLE en Pologne : état des lieux », 53-67


The paper focuses on the use of the dictionaries in the context of French as a foreign language in Poland. We assume, according to the Common European Framework and some other theoretical studies, that a dictionary is not only a learning tool but also a text which implies strategies of use. Consequently we consider that the learners should be provided with full-fledged dictionary skills which would make them able to explore the totality of linguistic and cultural richness of a dictionary. Unfortunately, we can prove that the use of dictionaries (particularly the monolingual ones) is not frequently integrated as a didactic goal in the French handbooks. Eventually, the analysis of 133 students’ surveys highlights some of the shortcomings and deficiencies in their pratice of monoligual dictionaries. Their linguistic biographies emphasize the need of teaching advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of dictionaries and the special features of their micro- and macrostructure.


Alicja Kacprzak, « La veille néologique en tant que démarche à visée lexicographique : exemple de l’emprunt récent à l’anglais en français et en polonais », 69-77


While the turn of the 21st century appears to be the time of a particularly abundant production of many kinds of dictionaries, their quality is without doubt somewhat uneven: amongst them are both works that are outstanding and works that are mediocre. One of the common weaknesses of most language dictionaries is the status that they give to neologisms, including borrowings. It is a serious problem in the modern era of great technological and cultural progress, when nearly every day the discourse is enriched by new words. Lexicography should denote them as soon as possible, but this is rather difficult as updating a dictionary is a time-consuming venture. However, research conducted by lexicologists can be helpful in it. The article presents one of the relatively new approaches of lexicological registration and elaboration on neologisms (so called veille néologique, i.e. neological watch). As an example we will present an international project, EMPNEO, which aims to research the spreading of new borrowings, most frequently from English, to some selected languages.


Tomasz Szymański, « Le dictionnaire comme champ de lutte idéologique : les idées de religion naturelle et de religion universelle dans les dictionnaires du siècle des Lumières (1764-1775) », 79-95


The article is a reflection on the dictionary as an ideological battleground illustrated with the example of thematic dictionaries or encyclopedias of the Age of Enlightenment. The perspective of the study is philosophical and religious, centred on the ideas of natural and universal religion as elements of conflicting worldviews. We will discuss the controversy surrounding the Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire, who was attacked by Catholic clergymen such as Chaudon, Paulian, François or Nonotte.


Witold Ucherek, « Les listes de noms propres dans les dictionnaires généraux polonais-français et français-polonais », 97-112


The paper deals with lists of proper names found in 22 Polish-French and/or French-Polish dictionaries out of the 45 dictionaries investigated, including dictionaries of different sizes published over the last 150 years. The lists most often include geographical names, gentilics and first names. A popular practice is to include certain items in the main body of th dictionary and to list other items in appendices; sometimes, these two sets of proper names overlap, which is incoherent. In addition to the quite evident information on spelling, the analysed lists may provide phonetic, grammatical, stylistic or encyclopedic data. However, the accumulation of such information, very valuable for users, transforms the lists into a succession of entries. That is why, instead of striving for originality by putting together lists of such exotic terms as Zodiac signs or celestial bodies, it would be better to incorporate proper names into the macrostructure.


Xinxia Wang, «  Vers un dictionnaire bilingue d’adjectifs qualificatifs du FLE », 113-128


The paper aims to think about developing a dictionary of the usual adjectives of French. This support tool for expression in French as a foreign language will focus on the semantic, syntactic, actantial and combinatorial information which usually causes the most problems in the use of adjectives. All this information will be provided in a systematic way by using some concepts of Meaning-Text Theory: lexical function, semantic derivation, semantic actant and syntactic actant, plan scheme, and so on.



Tomasz Wysłobocki, « La Révolution française dans les dictionnaires ou les dictionnaires en révolution », 129-142


When the French Revolution begins, nobody seems to be prepared for such a political and social rupture. Language first tries to adapt to the changing conditions – new words appear, which is a necessity of the moment, to reflect new realities as well as to build a national community based on the same new values and symbols. At the beginning these words remain largely unknown or neglected by uneducated people, especially from the bottom of the social ladder – they simply do not understand exactly what all the politicians debate about. Some old terms also change their conventional signification. A number of dictionaries are edited then to explain those new words to the people, as the  revolutionary authorities soon realize that this must become a priority. These reference books show nevertheless a subjective vision of the Revolution. The aim of this article is to recount the narration of those dictionaries in, of course, a very limited perspective.





Fabrice Hirsch, Fabrice Marsac, Ivana Didirkova, Marion Bechet, Mohammed Anouar Ben Messaoud, « Spécificités du rythme de la parole politique. Le cas de François Hollande », 145-155


The aim of this article is to highlight some rhythmical specificities in political speech. In order to do so, articulation and speech rates, pauses and between-pauses within syllable groups were measured in several talks given by François Hollande. Results show variation for all the above mentioned parameters depending on the topic of the speech. Furthermore, rhythmical differences were observed between speeches and debates.


Agata Rębkowska, « Humor w badaniach przekładowych », 157-174

Humour, manifesting itself at different semiotic levels of a text, is considered to be one of the most common translation challenges. However, previous studies dealing with translation of humour mainly consist of various aspects of translating humorous phenomena expressed themselves especially at the linguistic level. The aim of the article is to present the most important linguistic theories of humor (structural isotopy, semantic theory of scripts, the general theory of verbal humor, humor seen as a violation of the conversational maxims or as the game with implicatures), as well as some observations in the field of translation studies, and subsequently to develop describing tools for the translation of humorous phenomena in audiovisual texts.


Ewa Warmuz, « Veau – veux, bac – bague et elle a peur du feu : quelques réflexions sur la nature et l’utilisation des corpus dans les activités de phonétique proposées par les méthodes de FLE actuelles pour adultes et grands adolescents. », 175-192




Joanna Jakubowska, Rachilde revisitée (Au carrefour des esthétiques. Rachilde et son écriture romanesque 1880-1913, par Anita Staroń, Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015), 195-197


Catherine Kiyitsioglou-Vlachou, Développement de la compétence linguistique : une valeur ajoutée pour les apprenants du FLE (Redéfinir la compétence linguistique en classe de langue. Hommage à Ludomir Przestaszewski, sous la direction de Radosław Kucharczyk et Maciej Smuk, Varsovie, Édition de l’Institut d’Études Romanes, Université de Varsovie, 2015), 197-199


Przemysław Szczur, Octave Mirbeau romancier (L’art romanesque d’Octave Mirbeau. Thèmes et techniques, par Anita Staroń, Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013), 200-202


Witold Ucherek, Au cœur des dictionnaires bilingues (Le dictionnaire bilingue. Un miroir déformant ?, par Dangoulė Melnikienė, Paris, Hermann Éditeurs, 2013), 202-205