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Dacoromania litteraria, 2, «Circulation des idées théoriques dans la culture littéraire contemporaine»

Dacoromania litteraria, 2, «Circulation des idées théoriques dans la culture littéraire contemporaine»

Publié le par Romain Bionda (Source : Adrian Tudurachi)

Référence bibliographique : Dacoromania litteraria, no 2, «Circulation des idées théoriques dans la culture littéraire contemporaine», Académie Roumaine, Institut de Linguistique et d'Histoire Littéraire "Sextil Puscariu", 2015.

EAN13 : ISSN23605189.


2 | 2015  
Libre accès : circulation des idées théoriques dans la culture littéraire contemporaine


Dossier coordonné par Oana Fotache, Magda Răduţă


Contrary to its origins and areas of applicability, always “very” local and localized, literary theory aimed at reaching the status of a universal discourse on literature, a discourse that would identify and showcase in a display box the invariants beyond the cultural, historical, and geographical variables. As the anthropologist James Clifford ironically acknowledged in his manifesto “Notes on Travel and Theory” (Inscriptions, 5), “Localization undermines a discourse’s claim to ‘theoretical’ status”. The very history of literary theory as a (still) recent human science has incorporated and disguised local heritages while also highlighting in the process their transferable virtue, their mobile and generalizing capacity. The various narratives that accounted for theory’s beginnings, from the organicist ones such as R. Wellek’s History of Modern Criticism to those that value the breaking point as the constitutive motive of evolution (such as the introductions signed by Jonathan Culler, Terry Eagleton, or Antoine Compagnon, to name but a few), they all discreetly unify the variables of theoretical reflection into the apparently glorious perspective of a knowledge that makes its way through accumulating and filtering its data; a knowledge that is dubiously similar to the “hard” scientific one. First, theoretical discourse had to become more and more preoccupied with the theme of its own crisis for the motives of circulation, travel, and the unavoidable alteration of ideas to open up new lines worth investigating. […] If, as the same J. Clifford states, theory circulates lately on an unpredictable route, with many comebacks, reconfigurations and new exportations towards the former center (see, for instance, Gayatri Spivak’s case), the legitimate question would be now whether the conditions that make a theory mobile and functional have somehow changed. Seen until recently in direct connection with the system of disciplines – because theoretical circulation is enabled by the disciplinary dominant of a certain period –, these conditions acquire variable importance since the customary narrative of the West-to-East transfer has lost its unidirectional character, as well as the traditional distribution of power poles. The change that started with revisiting the Prague school in the ‘60s and with the new/old Lukács reinterpreted by Lucien Goldmann was to be continued from the ‘90s onwards by the enthusiastic dissolution of the former emergence centers. Among many other productive consequences, this triggered the possibility of a more careful reflection on the contemporary theoretical mobility. It is already very clear – as Didier Coste convincingly demonstrates in the opening of this thematic dossier – that open-mindedness, flexibility, and attention to ‘the real’ are to be counted among the essential attributes of contemporary theory. Without them mobility would be impossible; moreover, mobility is today the very condition of existence for theory: a static theory is a dead theory, states Didier Coste, and this view is shared by an entire direction of critical thinking that articulates the status of theory in a visible interdependence with the new world episteme that privileges active, dynamic, and easily adaptable forms, as in a creative and alert ergonomics.


Comparative Theory: Chronotopes and Circulation Practices. Argument / 5


Trajets théoriques / Theoretical Travel 

Didier COSTE
“Power failure in Paris”: Detheorization of the Centre / 11

Nicholas O. PAGAN
Thing Theory and the Appeal of Literature / 28

Why the Center-Periphery Divide Makes No Sense: Modernity as a Traveling Sphere of Options / 43

Reenactments of “the Secondary” – Within and Beyond the “Literary Turn” / 56

L'identité de rôle – l’histoire discontinue d'une idée transatlantique / 66


Révisiter les Empires / Revisiting Empires

Is the ‘Colonial’ in ‘Post-Colonial’ the ‘Soviet’ in ‘PostSoviet’? The Boundaries of Postcolonial Studies / 90

Dumitru TUCAN
The Adaptability of Theory: Postcolonialism vs. Postcommunism in Romanian Literary Studies / 101

Is Romanian Postcommunist Identity Hyphenated in the Same Way as the Poststructuralist, Postcolonial and Post-Traumatic Hyphenated Identity? / 117

Théories de l’Ouest, pratiques de l’Est / Western Theories, Eastern Practices 

Literary Reception Theories: A Review / 137 

Antonio PATRAŞ
Towards a Rehabilitation of the Commonplace. Notes on the Romanian Readings of Jean Paulhan's Les Fleurs de Tarbes / 163

Ioana BOT
Sans temps, ni lieu. Innover en théorie littéraire au temps du communisme / 174

Robert CINCU
Localizing Postmodernism in Mănăştur / 187

A Diary of Wild East: Codrin Liviu Cuţitaru’s Creative Localism / 195 



Scrisori americane (noiembrie 1981-februarie 1982) / 207


Comptes rendus / Book Reviews

Laura Albulescu
Sfinxul. Pierre Bourdieu şi literatura. [Le Sphynxe. Pierre Bourdieu et la littérature], Bucureşti, Art, 2014 (Magda Răduţă) / 231

Caius Dobrescu
Plăcerea de a gândi, moştenirea intelectuală a criticii literare româneşti (1960-1989), ca expresie identitară într-un tablou cultural al culturilor cognitive [The Pleasure Of Thinking. The Intellectual Heritage of Romanian Literary Criticism (1960-1989), as an Identity Marker within a Global Map of Cognitive Cultures] Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române, 2013 (Iulian Bocai) / 233 

Oana Fotache
Moşteniri intermitente. O altă istorie a teoriei literare [Des héritages intermittents. Une autre histoire de la théorie littéraire], Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2013 (Adrian Tudurachi) / 235 

Alex Goldiş
Critica în tranşee. De la realismul socialist la autonomia estetică [Criticism in the Trenches. From Socialist Realism to Aesthetic Autonomy], Bucureşti, Cartea Românească, 2011 (Roxana Eichel) / 238 

Andrei Terian
Critica de export. Teorii, concepte, ideologii [Export Criticism. Theories, Concepts, Ideologies], Bucureşti, Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române, 2013 (Andreea Mironescu) / 240 

Eugen Negrici
Iluziile literaturii române [The Illusions of Romanian Literature], Bucureşti, Cartea Românească, 2008 (Cosmin Borza) / 242 

Mihaela Ursa
Identitate şi excentricitate. Comparatismul românesc între specific local şi globalizare [Identity and Eccentricity. Romanian Comparative Studies Between Local Specific and Globalization], Bucureşti, Editura Muzeului Naţional al Literaturii Române, 2013 (Constantina Raveca Buleu) / 244 

Vasile Mihalache
Noli me tangere”? Despre legitimitate şi autonomie în literatură [„Noli me tangere?”. Sur la légitimité et l'autonomie dans la littérature], Bucureşti, Tracus Arte, 2013 (Alex Goldiş) / 248 

Contributeurs / Contributors / 250