Appels à contributions
Reflexions on Occultism in Francophone African Literature and Cinema: Stakes, Guises and Interpretations

Reflexions on Occultism in Francophone African Literature and Cinema: Stakes, Guises and Interpretations

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Mouhamedoul A Niang)

NeMLA 2015, Toronto, April 30-May 3

Reflexions on Occultism in Francophone African Literature and Cinema: Stakes, Guises and Interpretations


Occultism is an issue that many Francophone African writers and filmmakers grapple with in their works. Its representation partakes to the characterization of this world as it engages with matters of the rational and the irrational. It features in masterpieces that are very concerned with the postcolonial condition of the African nation-state and the African. The articulation of identity, tradition healing and divination are some its staples. From Ahmadou Kourouma to Alain Mabanckou, Camara Laye, Aminata Sow Fall, Bolya Baenga, Cheikh Ndiaye and Tahar Ben Jelloun, occultism takes different guises and calls for various interpretations. This panel invites papers on the rationale for the mimesis of occultism in Francophone African literature and cinema. Panelists can address topics such as:

*Occultism and the dectective novel: rituals, motives and space

*Occultism as a postcolonial means of resistance or the politics of occult pratices

*Occultism, the subaltern and the African elite

*Occultism, orality and myths

*Occultism and ethnicity

*Occultism and the discourse of legitimation

*The cinematography of occultism

*the theatrics of occultism or occultism, drama and comedy

NB: Scholars who want to submit must go to and follow the instructions there to create a user account, and submit their abstract directly to this by entering the following ID: 15338. If you have any questions, you can email at

Deadline for abstract submissions: September 30, 2014

Date limite des soumissions de proposition de communication: 30 septembre 2014