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R. H. F. Carver, The Protean Ass: The Metamorphoses of Apuleius from Antiquity to the Renaissance

R. H. F. Carver, The Protean Ass: The Metamorphoses of Apuleius from Antiquity to the Renaissance

Publié le par Frédérique Fleck (Source : BMCR)

Robert H. F. Carver, The Protean Ass: The Metamorphoses of Apuleius from Antiquity to the Renaissance, Oxford: Oxford University Press, coll. "Oxford Classical Monographs", 2007. xv, 545 pages.

  • ISBN 9780199217861
  • $170.00  

Recension par Benjamin Todd Lee (Oberlin College) dans Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.03.13.

Présentation de l'éditeur:

The Protean Ass provides the most comprehensive account (in any language) of the reception of The Golden Ass (or Metamorphoses) of Apuleius, the only work of Latin prose fiction worthy of the nameof 'novel' to survive intact from the ancient world. Apuleius'second-century account of the curious young man who is changed into adonkey following an affair with a witch's slave-girl, and undergoes aseries of adventures (involving robbery, adultery, buggery, andbestiality) before a divine vision transforms him into a disciple ofthe goddess Isis, has delighted, perplexed, and inspired readers asdiverse as St Augustine, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Sidney, Spenser,Shakespeare, and Milton. Robert H. F. Carver traces readers' responsesto the novel from the third to the seventeenth centuries in NorthAfrica, Italy, France, Germany, and England.

Robert H.F. Carver, Lecturer in Renaissance Literature Deparment of English Studies, Unversity of Durham.

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