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P.J. Ford and R. Green (dir.), George Buchanan: poet and dramatist

P.J. Ford and R. Green (dir.), George Buchanan: poet and dramatist

Publié le par Frédérique Fleck

Philip J. Ford and Roger Green (dir.), George Buchanan: poet and dramatist, Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2009. 380 p.

  • $100.00.
  • ISBN 9781905125364. 

Présentation de l'éditeur:

Educated in Scotland and France, George Buchanan became one of the mostinfluential writers of 16th century Europe. Writing in the linguafranca of his time - Classical Latin - he was to be hailedinternationally as easily the prince of poets' . Here fifteen scholars,from many countries, analyse his writings, his creative use of ancienttexts for contemporary purposes, and his impact on the culture ofScotland and of Europe - not least in the spheres of tragedy and music.

Table des matières:

Buchanan's poetic achievement (Philip Ford);

'Redundant'epithets in Buchanan's Pastorals (Robert Cummings);

Literarymetamorphosis in Buchanan's De Sphaera (Emma Gee);

The writing ofmemory in George Buchanan's Iusta (Nathalie Catellani-Dufrene);

Homoexsul as the lyric persona in Buchanan's Psalms (Elwira Buszewicz);

TheHeavens are Telling: a Psalm-paraphrase-poem analysed (Roger Green);

The historical importance of Jean Servin's settings of Buchanan's PsalmParaphrases (James Porter);

Buchanan's Psalms and the musical settingsby Statius Olthof (Margaret Duncumb);

Buchanan's tragedies andcontemporary dramatic theory (Giacomo Cardinali);

Biblical inspirationin Buchanan's tragedies (Carine Ferradou);

Buchanan and the poetics ofborrowing in the Latin translation of Euripides' Medea (Jean-FredericChevalier);

'Translating' Buchanan (Ronnie Jack);

Drama out of the'closet': Buchanan on stage (Jamie Reid Baxter);

'Return, Buchanan 'The Letter of Walter Dennistoun to George Buchanan and Buchanan's Reply(Jack MacQueen);

Dry Bones of Contention? Picking apart Buchanan'sPsalms (Roger Green);

George Buchanan's Half Millennium (RobertCrawford).