PHDCOMP - International PhD Programme in Comparative Studies (5 bourses de thèse, Lisbonne)

PHDCOMP - International PhD Programme in Comparative Studies (5 bourses de thèse, Lisbonne)

Publié le par Vincent Ferré (Source : Amândio Reis)

[NDLR : apparemment, Applications are open from 17th June until 30th June, 2016.]

The International Doctoral Program in Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon (PHD-COMP; U. Lisbon, K.U. Leuven, U. Bologna), funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, IP (FCT-IP), hereby announces the opening of a call for applications for 5 full doctoral fellowships in the academic year 2016-2017, in accordance with FCT’s Research Fellowship Holder Statute ( and FCT’s Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships ( The Steering Committee of the Program will be responsible for selecting the candidates who will be awarded the grants.

Grant Agreements will be signed directly between the selected candidates and FCT. These fellowships are funded by national funds through FCT and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (FCT/MCTES) and by the Human Potential Operating Programme of the European Social Fund.

[NDLR : plus d'informations ici

'Applications are open from 17th June until 30th June, 2016. 5. Applicants’ requirements: Applicants should meet the following criteria: 1) Master degree in Humanities or Social Sciences 2) Other graduate or undergraduate degrees when the candidate’s cv is considered relevant and suited to advanced research in Comparative Studies by the Directive Committee. 3) Working knowledge of three languages (including English).'