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Nineteenth-Century French Studies vol. 47, no. 3–4

Nineteenth-Century French Studies vol. 47, no. 3–4

Publié le par Vincent Ferré (Source : Nineteenth-Century French Studies)

Nineteenth-Century French Studies vol. 47, no. 3–4, 2019.


The Editorial Board of Nineteenth-Century French Studies is pleased to announce the publication of volume 47 numbers 3–4 (Spring–Summer 2019). In addition to two varia articles -- about history and social change in Michelet and aural poetics in Zola -- this issue features a special section entitled ‘Representing Royalty,’ edited and with an introduction by Paule Petitier. With these articles and over thirty review, this issue continues the journal’s longstanding tradition of covering the full range of studies of nineteenth-century French literature and related fields.

A full table of contents is below and also online at

All of the journal’s book reviews from this volume are accessible online and without subscription. In addition, the web site offers complete archives of the journal’s publications since it began in 1972: table of contents from every issue, abstracts of all of the articles, and all of the book reviews published online. Finally, the web site also provides complete information about all aspects of the journal’s activities.


Nineteenth-Century French Studies volume 47 numbers 3 & 4 / Spring–Summer 2019


Rebecca Powers
Embodying History for Social Change in Jules Michelet’s Le Peuple

Sara Phenix
Double Entendre: The Aural Poetics of La Curée


SPECIAL SECTION: “Representing Royalty”
Edited by Paule Petitier

Paule Petitier

Flavien Bertran de Balanda
De la Royauté en France (1814). Autour d’un pamphlet inédit de Louis de Bonald: ressusciter la légitimité?

Soon-Hee Lee
Parallèle des Stuarts et des Bourbons: Les Quatre Stuarts de Chateaubriand au temps de “la restauration possible”

Robert O. Steele
Regicide and the Eloquence of Silence: The Expulsion of Manuel from the Assembly (1823) and Béranger’s Chansons nouvelles (1825)

Sophie Mentzel
Rois et reines sur la scène romantique, ou la reconfiguration du pouvoir

Gilles Castagnès
Considérations sur la monarchie et figures du roi dans l’œuvre d’Alfred de Musset

Grégoire Franconie
Une écriture militante: la critique littéraire et la royauté dans le Journal des débats (1830–48)

Léo Tertrain
La lignée nervalienne des fils du feu: portrait d’une contre-royauté mythique et de ses contradictions



Barbier, Jonathan, and Ludovic Frobert, editors. Une imagination républicaine: François-Vincent Raspail (1794–1878)
Vicki De Vries

Goldzink, Jean, and Gérard Gengembre, editors. Madame de Staël, la femme qui osait penser
Peggy Schaller Elliott

Peeters, Guy. Gaspard de Cherville, l’autre “nègre” d’Alexandre Dumas
Roxane Petit-Rasselle

Poyet, Thierry. La Gens Flaubert: la fabrique de l’écrivain entre postures, amitiés et théories littéraires
Mary Rice-DeFosse



Hunt, Lynn, and Jack R. Censer. The French Revolution and Napoleon: Crucible of the Modern World
Erik Braeden Lewis

Palacios, Concepción, and Pedro Méndez, editors. La Représentation de l’histoire dans la nouvelle française du XIXe siècle
Allan H. Pasco

Roulin, Jean-Marie, and Corinne Saminadayar-Perrin, editors. Fictions de la Révolution, 1789–1912
Andrew J. Counter

Roulin, Jean-Marie, and Corinne Saminadayar-Perrin, editors. Les Ateliers de Clio: écritures alternatives de l’histoire (1848–1871). Special issue of Autour de Vallès: revue de lectures et d’études vallésiennes
Ali Nematollahy



Bourguinat, Nicolas. “Et in Arcadia ego . . . ”: voyages et séjours de femmes en Italie, 1770–1870
Sayeeda H. Mamoon

Lyons, Martin. The Pyrenees in the Modern Era: Reinventions of a Landscape, 1775–2012
Doina Pasca Harsanyi

Verne, Jules. Five Weeks in a Balloon: A Journey of Discovery by Three Englishmen in Africa. Translated with introduction and notes by Frederick Paul Walter, edited by Arthur B. Evans
Dean de la Motte



Hornstein, Katie. Picturing War in France, 1792–1856
Marina Ortiz

Lasc, Anca I. Interior Decoration in Nineteenth-Century France: The Visual Culture of a New Profession
Stefan Muthesius

Moran, Claire. Staging the Artist: Performance and the Self-Portrait from Realism to Impressionism
Caroline Ferraris-Besso

Senelick, Laurence. Jacques Offenbach and the Making of Modern Culture
Adeline Heck



Abelin, Philippe. Les Nœuds romanesques chez Stendhal: empathie et manipulation
Benjamin McRae Amoss

Hamm, Jean-Jacques. Approches de Stendhal
Maria Scott

Heathcote, Owen, and Andrew Watts, editors. The Cambridge Companion to Balzac
Melanie Conroy

Massol, Chantal, éditeur. Balzac contemporain
Clélia Renucci

Philippot, Didier. Victor Hugo et la vaste ouverture du possible: essai sur l’ontologie romantique
Abigail RayAlexander



Barbillon, Claire, et al, editors. Parent-elles. Compagne de, fille de, sœur de . . .: les femmes artistes au risque de la parentèle
Kathryn Brown

Craig, Béatrice. Female Enterprise Behind the Discursive Veil in Nineteenth-Century Northern France
Victoria Meyer

Gougelmann, Stéphane, and Anne Verjus, editors. Écrire le mariage en France au XIXe siècle
Courtney Sullivan



Eisenzweig, Uri. Le Duel introuvable: la fascination du duel dans la littérature du XIXe siècle
Corry Cropper

Gautier, Nicolas. Lire la ville, dire le crime: Mise en scène de la criminalité dans les mystères urbains de 1840 à 1860
Susanna Lee

Wan, Marco. Masculinity and the Trials of Modern Fiction
Charles J. Stivale



Castagnès, Gilles, editor. Réalisme (1856–1857): journal dirigé par Edmond Duranty
Edmund Birch

Conrad, Thomas. Poétique des cycles romanesques de Balzac à Volodine
Celia Abele

De Calan, Ronan. La Littérature pure: histoire d’un déclassement
Patrick Thériault

Rushworth, Jennifer. Petrarch and the Literary Culture of Nineteenth-Century France: Translation, Appropriation, Transformation
Alexandre Bonafos



Becker, Karin. Gastronomie et littérature en France au XIXe siècle
Briffault, Eugène. Paris à table 1846. Translated and edited by J. Weintraub

Hope Christiansen

Desmarais, Jane, and Alice Condé, editors. Decadence and the Senses
Louis Marvick

Weir, David. Decadence: A Very Short Introduction
Richard Shryock