Appels à contributions
New Century/New Horizons: Emerging Scholars of Caribbean Literatures, Languages and Cultures

New Century/New Horizons: Emerging Scholars of Caribbean Literatures, Languages and Cultures


New Century/New Horizons: Emerging Scholars of Caribbean

Literatures, Languages and Cultures

SARGASSO, a journal of Caribbean literature, language and culture,
edited at the University of Puerto Rico

SARGASSO is now accepting critical essays and book reviews for an upcoming
issue titled New Century/New Horizons: Emerging Scholars of Caribbean
Literatures, Languages and Cultures

We welcome original papers by graduate students working in the field of
Caribbean studies that explore such literary issues as: gender and
sexuality, migration and the Caribbean diaspora; oral and scribal poetry; or
history, travel and tourism writing of the Caribbean. Papers with topics
related to languages such as: Creole linguistic studies; language and
identity; Creole languages and education; or Creole languages and
literature. Or works on culture: Caribbean drama and performance practices,
texts, or traditions; production, consumption and circulation of Caribbean
popular culture; Caribbean carnivals; the postcolonial or global Caribbean;
as well as other topics of interest. Critical essays should be 10-15 pages
in length, double-spaced. In addition, we appreciate short book reviews
(1000 words or less) of theoretical or critical texts published after 1999
pertinent to the study of Caribbean literatures, languages and cultures.
Critical reviews of recent creative work by Caribbean writers or producers
may also be considered.

Submissions are accepted in English, French, or Spanish. Essays and reviews
should conform to the MLA style guide. Electronic submissions as an
attachment in Word, WordPerfect or Rich Text Format are appreciated.
Papers sent through the postal system should include a SASE and a copy in
RTF format on diskette.

CFP: SARGASSO Issue: New Century/New Horizons: Emerging Scholars of
Caribbean Literatures, Languages and Cultures

Electronic submissions need to be sent to the following two addresses with
the subject heading Sargasso Submission: 
David Lizardi
Sargasso Editorial Board