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Locke's political liberty: readings and misreadings

Locke's political liberty: readings and misreadings

Publié le par Sophie Rabau

Locke's political liberty: readings and misreadings

Ed. ChristopheMiqueu and Mason Chamie

SVEC 2009:04

ISBN978-0-7294-0958-2, xii + 230pp,  £55 / €65 hors taxe / $85

Moving beyondreductive conceptions of Locke as either central or peripheral to the developmentof Enlightenment thought, historians and philosophers explore how his writingsare invoked, exploited or distorted in eighteenth-century reflections onliberty. Analyses of his reception in England and France bring out underlyingconceptual differences between the two nations, and extend an ongoing debateabout the difficulty of characterising national political epistemologies. Thetraditional Anglocentric view of Locke and his influence is demystified, andwhat emerges is a new, more diverse vision of the reception of his politicalthinking throughout Europe.



CHRISTOPHE MIQUEU,Introduction - Beyond canon and revision: exploring Locke's reception

I From resistance totoleration

JEAN TERREL,Constituent power and resistance: did Locke have any followers?

PIERRE LURBE,Political liberty in John Toland's Anglia Libera

DANIEL CAREY, Twostrategies on toleration: Locke, Shaftesbury and diversity

CHRISTOPHER BROOKE,'Locke en particulier les a traitées exactement dans les mêmes principes quemoi': revisiting the relationship between Locke and Rousseau

GERHARDT STENGER,Liberty and toleration: Locke, Voltaire and 'laïcité à la française'

II From propriety toproperty

DUNCAN KELLY, Thepropriety of liberty and the quality of responsible agency

PIERRE-YVES QUIVIGIER,Sieyès as a reader of John Locke: metaphysics, politics and law 

JØRN SCHØSSER, Thereception of Locke's political philosophy in Denmark: an historical approach

JAMES FARR, Locke,natural law and New World slavery 

JEAN-FABIEN SPITZ,Nozick's 'Locke on property': an obituary

JOHN DUNN, Postface

Dernière parution dela collection SVEC de la Voltaire Foundation.

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