Appels à contributions
Littérature anglophone et sciences cognitives

Littérature anglophone et sciences cognitives

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Martine Fernandes)


This is a call for papers for a session on: « Female Francophone Literature, Hybridity, and Cognitive Metaphor » for the conference Literature and the Cognitive Sciences (April 6-9, 2006) at the University of Connecticut, Storrs (see :

Deadline : September 30

« Female Francophone Literature, Hybridity, and Cognitive Metaphor »

Assia Djebar wrote in Le Blanc de l'Algérie that she perceived metaphor because she was a woman. Like Djebar, many francophone female writers have found in metaphor a way to express their cultural hybridity in the French language. As Anne Donadey rightfully points out in Recasting postcolonialism, critics cannot ignore the linguistic/stylistic aspects of Francophone women writings. Cognitive Sciences, especially Lakoff and Johnson's theory of metaphor, and Fauconnier and Turner's theory of conceptual blending, offer us new tools to analyze literary representations of female francophone hybridity. Their theories enable the critic to describe the blending of concepts in the Francophone text, the creation of new metaphorical concepts, the psychological and social role of metaphors in definitions of the self and the other, etc.

In this session, papers will describe, with the help of cognitive sciences, the role of metaphor in writings by Francophone women authors.

Please send a 200-300 word proposal in English to Dr. Martine Fernandes, University of South Florida, Saint Petersburg : before or on Friday, September 30.