Événements & colloques
Les esthétismes britanniques, sources, genres, définitions, évolutions

Les esthétismes britanniques, sources, genres, définitions, évolutions

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : B. Coste)

Les esthétismes britanniques, sources, genres, définitions, évolutions
British Aestheticisms: sources, genres, definitions, evolutions

Langues du colloque: anglais et français

Guest Speakers/Intervenants invités

Prof. Pamela Gerrish Nunn, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Prof. Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Prof. Talia Schaffer, City University of New York, USA

Both a social phenomenon, an artistic movement, and a literary trend, British Aestheticism has been the object of multiple, sometimes contradictory, definitions which all point to its central role in the advent of modernity. As a movement and as an operative notion Aestheticism is of major importance to anybody interested in nineteenth and early twentieth century British culture.

This international conference on ‘British Aestheticisms : Sources, Genres, Definitions, Evolutions,' which will take place in October 2009, aims at reexamining the notion of Aestheticism from a transdisciplinary perspective and hopes to attract contributions (in French or in English) from researchers across the fields of British studies, comparative studies, art history, publishing history, aesthetics, philosophy, reception theory, women's studies, queer theory, and gay and lesbian studies.

2 octobre


10.15am-12.15pm – Chair: Catherine Delyfer

• Anne Anderson (University of Exeter, UK)
“Old Blue and Sunflowers: Constructing Aesthetic Tastes, London and Paris in the 1860s”

• Lene Ostermark-Johansen (University of Cophenhagen, Denmark)
“Frieze: Getting beneath the surface of the past in aestheticist painting and writing”

• Anne-Florence Gillard-Estrada (Université de Rouen, France)
« Aspiring to the Condition of Something Else : Walter Pater and the Aestheticist Painters »

• Koenraad Claes (Ghent University, Belgium):
“Revival(s) of Modern Printing: exclusive socialists and the accessibly elite”

2pm-3.30pm – Chair : Laurent Bury

• Gabriella Bologna (University of Verona, Italy)
“The Aesthetic of British Pictorial Photography. A case study: James Craig Annan's portfolio Venice and Lombardy. A Series of Original Photogravures”

• Audrey Doussot (Université de Bourgogne, France) : “Laurence Housman (1865-1959): esthète, conteur, illustrateur”

• Isabelle Enaud-Lechien (Université Lille 3, France)
“James McNeill Whistler à l'exposition inaugurale de la Grosvenor Gallery de Londres en 1877—héraut d'un esthétisme en train de se définir?”
Coffee break

4pm-5pm – Chair : Françoise Baillet

• Laurent Bury (Université de Lyon 2, France)
“ ‘Art is Nationhood': Aestheticism and Nationalism in George Moore's Art Criticism”

• D.C. Rose (O'SCHOLARS editor, Paris, France): “The Destroyed Canvas as Response to Aestheticism in the Work of Basil Hallward, Claude Lantier, and Dick Helder”


10.15am-12.15pm – Chair: Joseph Bristow

• Richard Hayes (University of Cambridge, UK)
“Oscar Wilde, E.W. Godwin and the Role of Criticism in Aestheticism”

• Megan Becker-Leckrone (University of Nevada, Las Vegas USA)
“Oscar Wilde's Cosmopolitan Aestheticism”

• Richard Hibbitt (University of Leeds, UK)
“Oscar Wilde and la critique impressionniste”

• Nikolaï Endres (Western Kentucky University, USA)
“Wilde Wagner: The Sexual Politics of Queer Aestheticism”

2pm-3.30pm – Chair : Katie-Jane Hext (University of the West of England)

• Joseph Bristow (UCLA, USA)
“Wilde's Aestheticism and Emergent Modernism in the New Age”

• Emily Eells (Université de Paris-Nanterre, France)
“From Wilde to Proust: The Twisted Threads of Life and Art”

• Stefano Evangelista (Trinity College, Oxford, UK)
“Wilde and European Modernism: Reception and Resistance”

4pm-5pm – Chair : Bénédicte Coste

• Thomas Albrecht (Tulane University, USA)
“The Poetics of Aesthetic Criticism in Walter Pater's The Renaissance”

• Ranald Macdonald (University of Aberdeen, UK) 
“British Hegelianism and Walter Pater”

“British Hegelianism and Walter Pater”

Le 3 octobre


10.15am-12.15pm : From Dress to Text – Chair: Anne Anderson

• J. B. Bullen (Reading University)
“Dante Gabriel Rossetti's ‘Blue Silk Dress' and the Socio-Political Roots of Aesthetic Costume”

• Catherine Rovera (Université Paris-Dauphine)
“Esthétisme et culture populaire: parodies de dandies”

• Francoise Baillet (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France)
“Je t'aime, moi non plus. George du Maurier, Punch and Aestheticism”

• Rita Severi (University of Verona, Italy)
“From Esteticismo to Dannunzianesimo. How Italian Decadent Writers Reacted to British Cultural Influence”

2pm-4pm: Aestheticism and Gender – Chair: Lorraine J. Kooistra

• Ana Raquel Rojas (University of Scranton, USA)
“Gender for Art's Sake: Fin-de-siècle Women Writers and the Femme Fatale”

• Sophie Geoffroy (Université de La Réunion, France)
“Aestheticism : a gender(ed) issue ? Vernon Lee, Beauty and Aestheticism”

• Sarah Townley (University of Nottingham, UK)
“Redefining Aestheticism: Vernon Lee and the Reading Public”


10.15am-12.15pm: Between Romanticism and Modernism – Chair: Stefano M. Evangelista

• Andrew Eastham (independent scholar)
“Henry James's Late Fiction and the Return of the Sublime in Aesthetic Culture”

• Norbert Lennartz (Universität Bonn, Germany)
“Self-Destructive Aestheticism – the Deconstruction of the Aestheticist Mode in British Fiction”

• Denis Simon (Technische Universität, Dresden, Germany)
“New Narrative Forms as a Subversion of Established Literary Norms: Walter Pater's Marius the Epicurean and Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray as Examples of the Negative Aesthetic Bildungsroman”

• Heather Marcovitch (Red Deer College, Canada)
“The Modernist Oscar Wilde: Figures of Wilde in the Works of Djuna Barnes, James Joyce and Christopher Isherwood”

2-4pm : From Modernism to Post-Modernism – Chair: Christine Reynier (Montpellier III)

• Linda Wong (Hong Kong Baptist University, China)
“Aestheticism Re-examined in the Modern Chinese Context”

• Tristan Grünberg (Paris III, France)
“Salomé, reine d'Angleterre: destinées esthétiques de la Salomé d'Oscar Wilde”

• Julie Sauvage (Montpellier III, France)
“Choose your Camp: Commitment and Aestheticism in Angela Carter's Novels”

• Justine Gonneaud (Montpellier III, France)
“Ethique et esthétisme de l'androgyne : de Rolfe à Winterson”