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L. Pernot (dir.), New chapters in the history of rhetoric

L. Pernot (dir.), New chapters in the history of rhetoric

Publié le par Frédérique Fleck

Laurent Pernot (dir.), New chapters in the history of rhetoric.  Leiden; Boston: Brill, coll. "International studies in the history of rhetoric" 1,  2009. xiii, 656 p.

  • $293.00.
  • ISBN 9789004175020.

Présentation de l'éditeur:

This volume gathers over fortypapers by leading scholars in the field of the history of rhetoric. Itillustrates the current trends in this new area of research and offersa great richness of insights. The contributors are from fourteendifferent countries in Europe, America and Asia ; the majority of thepapers are in English and French, some others in German, Italian, andSpanish. The texts and subjects covered include the Bible, ClassicalAntiquity, Medieval and Modern Europe, Chinese and Corean civilization,and the contemporary world. Word, speech, language and institutions areaddressed from several points of view. One major topic, among manyothers, is Rhetoric and Religion.

Laurent Pernot isProfessor of Greek Language and Literature at the University ofStrasbourg, corresponding member of the Institut de France, andImmediate Past President of the International Society for the Historyof Rhetoric. He has published extensively on the history of rhetoric,including Rhetoric in Antiquity (The Catholic University of America Press, 2006).

Table des matières:

Preface, Laurent Pernot

1. Theoretical Issues

L'histoire de la rhétorique dans l'Europe moderne, Marc Fumaroli
Rhétoriques particulaires et rhétoriques ondulatoires, Sung-Gi Jon
Aspects rhétoriques du discours historique, Donka Alexandrova
La rhétorique du simulacrum: analogies historiques, Andreï Rozhdestvenski
La traducción como ejercicio retórico y gramatical, Francisco Chico Rico

2. Greco-Roman Antiquity

The Power of Logos in Gorgias' Encomium of Helen, Nam-Duh Kim
Painting or Writing Speeches? Plato, Alcidamas, and Isocrates on Logography, Marie-Pierre Noël
Transparency and Trust in Ancient Rhetoric and Poetics, Harvey Yunis
Le discours du tribun Licinius Macer à la plèbe (Salluste, Histoires 3, 48 M = 3, 34 McGushin), Martine Chassignet
Cicero and the Sophists, Robert N. Gaines
Cicerone allegorico: la metamorfosi del personaggio storico in paradigma dell'eloquenza romana, Gabriella Moretti
Deklamationen und Geschichtsschreibung im 4. Jh. n. Chr., Gualtiero Calboli
Incest in Roman Declamation, Bé Breij
L'harmonie du savoir: du modèle rhétorique au modèle musical, Florence Malhomme

3. Modern and Contemporary Times

The History of Russian Rhetoric: Sources, Ideas, Authors, Vladimir I. Annushkin
La rhétorique militaire en Russie, Tcheslav Daletski
Henri III rhéteur, nouvel Hercule gaulois, Claude La Charité
Jean-Jacques Rousseau ou les figures prises-au-propre, Nanine Charbonnel
The Merging of Civic Republicanism, Polite Culture, and Christianity in Hugh Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, Arthur E. Walzer
The Rhetoric Against Rhetoric: The Avant-garde Manifesto, P. M. Mehtonen

1. The Problematic of Religious Discourse

The Rhetoric of Religion, Laurent Pernot
Caduta e ascesa di Religione e Retorica, Luigi Spina
La parole, la foi et la beauté : la Grèce, Rome et le christianisme médiéval, Alain Michel
Rhetoricians in Black: Benedictine Monks and Rhetorical Revival in Medieval Oxford, Martin Camargo
On Chinese Religious Rhetoric, Rudong Chen
The Expedient, the Honorable, and the Sacred: Rhetorical Topoi and the Religious Imperative, Michael Leff

2. Speaking of the Gods, Speaking to the Gods

Les dieux chez les orateurs attiques, Michael Edwards
Gottesurteil – Beweismittel – Stilfigur. Funktion und Stellenwert des Eides in der antiken Rhetorik, Manfred Kraus
Le “discours sacré” (hieros logos) : une forme de rhétorique religieuse dans l'Antiquité grecque, Mina Tasseva
L'influence de la légende bouddhique sur le roman de Barlaam et Josaphat : un cas de persuasion rhétorique et religieuse, Heon Kim

3. How to Read the Bible Rhetorically?

Rhétorique paulinienne et terminologie qoumrânienne, Marc Philonenko
Pourquoi un Traité de rhétorique biblique? Roland Meynet
The Rhetorical Dispositio of 1 Cor. 11, 2–16 and the Problem of the Veil, Sławomir Torbus
Art oratoire et argumentation dans le Livre de Job, Velichko Rumenchev
Scriptural Elocutio in Seventeenth-Century England, Lawrence D. Green

4. Theory and Practice of Preaching

La importancia de la pronuntiatio en la Retórica eclesiástica (1576) de Fray Luis de Granada, Alfonso Martín Jiménez
Bunyan's Progress and Glanvill's Stand: Narration and Stasis in Later Seventeenth-Century English Religious Discourse, Jameela Lares