Événements & colloques
Joseph Wulf, un historien juif polonais en RFA. Savoir du témoin, engagement de l’historien, écriture de l’histoire (Acad. polonaise, Paris)

Joseph Wulf, un historien juif polonais en RFA. Savoir du témoin, engagement de l’historien, écriture de l’histoire (Acad. polonaise, Paris)

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Cécile Soudan)

Joseph Wulf : Un historien juif polonais en RFA.

Savoir du témoin, engagement de l’historien, écriture de l’histoire

Journée d'études internationale organisée par

Aurelia Kalisky et Judith Lindenberg

Vendredi 16 février 2018, 9h-18h,

Académie polonaise des sciences à Paris, 74, rue Lauriston, 75016 Paris


Joseph Wulf (1912-1974) primarily became known through a series of voluminous collections of documents on various aspects of the Holocaust and on society and cultural life in National Socialist Germany. In addition, he wrote numerous texts – literary studies and language critical studies as well as biographies of important Nazi officials. His work was not limited to the publication of academic and documentary texts, but also included socio-political projects, such as the planned Holocaust Documentation Center at the Villa Wannsee.

The workshop is intended to provide access to Joseph Wulf's multi-facetted work and above all to be a starting point for new interpretations of it. What kind of reflections on the status and perspective of historians arise from Joseph Wulf's work, especially in view of the testimonies of survivors and their role in historiography? To what extent does the disciplinary separation between testimonial texts, which have been treated as a subject of literary studies, and academic publications, which have been analyzed in historical studies, prove to be a culturally conditioned construction? How could a historiography that attaches more importance to the victims' perspectives already in the constitution of knowledge offer an alternative to this binary separation?

In which ways these questions are reflected in Wulf's poetics of historiography, for example, in his specific approach to the genre of anthology?

How can be new understood the respective status of a document, a testimony and an archive by studying Wulf's work.

The workshop will take place in English



9.15: Accueil/ Welcoming of the participants

9.30: Aneta Bassa (Académie polonaise des sciences/Polish Academy of Sciences): Mot de bienvenue/Welcoming words

9.45: Judith Lindenberg (EHESS), Judith Lyon-Caen (EHESS) and Aurélia Kalisky (ZfL): Introduction

10.15: Entre rupture et tradition/ Between Tradition and Rupture
Chair: Audrey Kichelewski (Université de Strasbourg)

Judith Lindenberg (Centre de Recherches Historiques, EHESS Paris): Joseph Wulf and Yiddish Culture

Judith Lyon-Caen (Centre de Recherches Historiques, EHESS Paris): Survivor Historians/Emigrant Historians. Wulf, Borwicz and the Parisian “Centre pour l'étude de l'histoire des Juifs de Pologne”

Mark L. Smith (UCLA Leve Center for Jewish Studies): Joseph Wulf. The Path not Taken


12.00: A “Hurbn Historiker” in West-Germany and the Belated Reception of a Pioneer in Holocaust Historiography
Chair: Katrin Stoll (German Historical Institute Warsaw)

Anja Keith (Hamburg): Joseph Wulf – Ernst Jünger. The Correspondence (1962–1974)

Gerd Kühling (Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz Berlin): A Missed Chance for Historical Scholarship? Joseph Wulf's Proposal for an International Documentation Centre in Berlin

Klaus Kempter (Universität Heidelberg): The Lasting Legacy and the Limits of Wulf's Work


15.00: Witness Knowledge(s) and Poetics of History
Chair: Catherine Coquio (University Paris VII)

Aurélia Kalisky (ZfL): The Mythical vs the Scientific gaze, or has Theory of History the Hiccups? (Wulf, Broszat, Friedländer)

Barbara Breysach (Selma Stern Zentrum Berlin): Witnessing as a Venture. Joseph Wulf in the Mirror of Literary Reports

Nicolas Berg (Simon Dubnow Institut Leipzig): The Language of the Perpetrators in epistemological Concepts of the Survivors. The Examples of Joseph Wulf and Raul Hilberg


Elisabeth Gallas (Simon Dubnow Institut, Leipzig), Katrin Stoll (German Historical Institut, Warsaw): Common Discussion and Concluding Remarks