Événements & colloques
International Colloquium : 20th- / 21st- Century French Studies

International Colloquium : 20th- / 21st- Century French Studies

Publié le par Audrey Lasserre


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-Thursday, April 4, 2002: Kristin Ross: " May '68 and its Afterlives" Place and time: New England ballroom, 6:OO pm. Reception to follow

-Friday, April 5, 2002: Poetry Reading: Marie Etienne, Benoit Conort, Jean-Michel Maulpoix. Place and time: Pumpkin's Coffeehouse (5 minutes by foot from hotel) 54 Pratt Street, Hartford. 8:00pm. Wine & Cheese.

-Saturday, April 6, 2002.Michel Butor. An exchange with Mireille Calle-Gruber: "Le francais comme passage." Place and time: New England ballroom, 6:30pm.

Followed by Caribbean banquet: dinner, music and dance. Please bring a hat or a mask.

-Sunday, April 7, 2002: Maryse Conde: "Chronique d'une mort annoncee: litterature antillaise et mondialisation."Place and time: New England ballroom,10:45am.

Followed by a full brunch and "Colloques a venir".


We apologize for the absence of accents; they will appear in the printed program.

Thursday, April 4


Continental Breakfast



Thursday Morning I - 9:00-10:30

1. Corps et ecriture

Room: Connecticut

Chair : Luke Bouvier, Amherst College

"Alfred Jarrys Le surmale and the Mechanics of the Masculine"

Philip G. HADLOCK, Texas Christian University

"Louis-Ferdinand Celine: une etude scatologique"

Benedicte BOISSERON, University of Michigan

"The Semiotics of the Face: from Victor Hugos Laughing Man to Bob Kanes the Joker"

Camille COLLINS, Columbia University

2. Peregrinations religieuses

Room: New Hampshire

Chair : Anne Berthelot, University of Connecticut

"The religion of compulsory fulfillment in Extension du domaine de la lutte"

Keith READER, University of Glasgow

"Le Verbe de lAbsurde: Augustinianism and La Peste"

Brian CRAWFORD, Indiana University

"Michel Tourniers Vendredi: An Experiment in Interdisciplinary Metaphysics"

Pamela A. GENOVA, University of Oklahoma

"Michel Tournier lisant Moise dans Eleazar ou la Source et le Buisson"

Alain LESCART, University of Connecticut

3. Poetry and Other Disciplines

Room: Hartford

Chair : Dianne Sears, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

"Poesie, musique philosophie? De Verlaine a Georges Perros"

Marie JOQUEVIEL, Universite de Montpellier-III

"V. Tadjo et T. Boni: Promethees prometteuses dune apocalypse phallocratique en Afrique contemporaine"

Georges GNAKPA, University of Connecticut

"The Uses of Poetry in Charlotte Delbo's Auschwitz et apres"

Patricia LEPAGE, University of Maryland

"Daive, Fourcade, Cadiot: Americana and litteralite"

Glenn FETZER, Calvin College

4. Influences dailleurs

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Cheikh Ndiaye, Union College

"The Subversion of Myths in the Work of Roland Brival and Alain Mabanckou"

Susan IRELAND, Grinnell College

"Rereading Scheherazade?: Raymond Jeans La lectrice"

Jennifer S. DEVILLE, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Aragon, pas si fou"

Farid LAROUSSI, Yale University

"Widening the Black Atlantic: Anglophone Spaces and the Maghrebi Minority in France"

Alec HARGREAVES, Florida State University

5. Ethnologie de la France et des pays francophones

Room: Maine

Chair : Claude Evans, University of Toronto

"Loeuvre filmique de Jean Rouch: lobjectif du colonise sur le colonisateur"

Anna NORRIS, Michigan State University

"La fille desossee: un conte populaire du Rouergue"

Catherine PARAYRE, University of Georgia

"Pierre-Jakez Helias, ethnologue ou queteur de memoire"

Brid NICONAILL, Kings College in London

"Les pelerinages en Bretagne: tradition et modernite"

Claude EVANS, University of Toronto

6. Italophone/Francophone Intersections

Room: Vermont

Chair : Norma Bouchard, University of Connecticut

"Quand le cinema francais rencontre la litterature italienne"

Cristina BRAGAGLIA, Universita di Bologna

"The Window: Reality and Simulation in Renoir, Rosselini, and Clouzot"

Fulvio ORSITTO, University of Connecticut

"Becketts Italian Intertext: From Comment cest to Company"

Norma BOUCHARD, University of Connecticut


Coffee Break 10:30 - 10:45


Thursday Morning II - 10:45-12:15

7. Global Formations

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Keith Reader, University of Glasgow

"l'immeuble de verre et d'acier se dressait naguere ... US Global Capitalism in French Fiction"

Richard GAPPER, Historic Dockyard, London

" Apres la norme: lAutre comme alternative a la societe de marche chez Michel Houellebecq"

Martin ROLDAN, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

"Europe from Afar"

Nils PLATH, Universitat Osnabruck

"Lhistoire militaire et les recits de la Grande Guerre"

Sylvain RHEAULT, University of Regina

8. Mediterranean Memories

Room: Connecticut

Chair : Eric Sellin, Tulane University

"Terror and Nostalgia: The Middle Eastern Memoir"

Lynne ROGERS, University of Connecticut

"Morocco in Bernard Simiots Books: History and Memory"

Maria WELLS, University of Texas

"Representations de lecole coloniale dans le roman maghrebin des annees 50"

Akindjo ONIANKPO, Ohio State University

"Le deracinement (up-rooting)"

Jean-Yves SOLINGA, Connecticut College

9. Greffes, rejets et dialogues

Room: Vermont

Chair : Alexandre Dauge-Roth, Bowdoin College

"Epistemologie et conceptions medicales de la greffe"

Daniel KAUFMANN, Harvard University Medical School

"Entre Allogreffes et Xenogreffes: Usages positionnels de quelques greffons litteraires"

Alexandre DAUGE-ROTH, Bowdoin College

"Rupture linguistique ou greffe discursive dans Allah nest pas oblige dAhmadou Kourouma"

Andre SIAMUNDELE, Colby College

10. French in the Movies and on the Stage: Pedagogical Contexts

Room: Maine

Chair : Cynthia Running-Johnson, Western Michigan University

"French Identities in Film: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Modern French History and Culture"

Cynthia RUNNING-JOHNSON, Western Michigan University

and Judith STONE, Western Michigan University

"Forming, Deforming and Performing Huis-Clos on the College Scene"

June MIYASAKI, Western Michigan University

Francine CONLEY and Christian FLAUGH, University of Wisconsin

"Selected Scenes from Huis-clos"

June MIYASAKI, Western Michigan University

Francine CONLEY and Christian FLAUGH, University of Wisconsin

11. Writing Caribbean Histories

Room: New England III

Chair : Dawn Fulton, Smith College

"Dreamed and Rewritten History in Simone Schwarz-Barts Ti-Jean lHorizon"

Anne FRANCOIS, Queen Mary, University of London

"Chamoiseaus and Glissants Chronologies"

Dawn FULTON, Smith College

"Objectification and Mastery in Marie Chauvets La danse sur le volcan"

Curtis SMALL, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

"Les femmes ecrivent la folie"

Noelle CARRUGGI, New School University

12. Proust and/in Other Disciplines

Room: Hartford

Chair : Laurence Enjolras, College of the Holy Cross

"Proust and Psychology: The Case of Jealousy in A la recherche du temps perdu"

Inge WIMMERS, Brown University

"Jealousy and the Other: Proust and Sartre"

Julie SOLOMON, Tufts University

"Le Cinema dans/et A la recherche du temps perdu"

Pascal A. IFRI, Washington University

"Ecriture de l'histoire: Proust et la Grande Guerre"

Brigitte MAHUZIER, Bryn Mawr College

Lunch Break 12:15 - 2:15

Thursday Afternoon I - 2 :15-3 :45

13. Affaires de femmes

Room: New England IV

Chair : Mary Dunn Haymann, Caldwell College

"Naming the Unnameable: Jeanne Hyvrards Le Cercan"

Maryann DE JULIO, Kent State University

"Annie Ernaux: Honte au logis"

Bruno CHAOUAT, Miami University

"Y a-t-il une vraie memoire de soi? Enquete et anamnese chez Annie Ernaux"

Anne-Martine PARENT, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

"Ecritures nomades"

Lucienne J. SERRANO, City University of New York

14. Historical and Artistic Crossings

Room: Vermont

Chair : Janet Watson, University of Connecticut

"The Fascist Universe, Cartoon Violence, and La chasse aux Zazous in Vichy France"

Matthew F. JORDAN, Pennsylvania State University

"Rolland et le petit violoniste chinois: De-Politicizing Literature in China and France"

Juliette M. ROGERS, University of New Hampshire

"Aristide Maillol and the Tradition of Anti-Semitism in the French Visual Arts"

William CLOONAN, Florida State University

"Ponts/Bridges: Nation, Language, Memory, and Gender in Holocaust France and Beyond"

Michelle BLOOM, University of California at Riverside

15. Theoretical Desires

Room: Hartford

Chair : Osvaldo Pardo, University of Connecticut

"Jean Paulhan et la violence du lieu commun"

Eric TRUDEL, Princeton University

"Le desir de fiction: Jacques Derrida et Jean-Luc Nancy"

Isabelle DECARIE, Harvard University

"Communication with the Other in Jean-Paul Sartres LAge de raison: A Discourse Analysis"

Rosalind SILVESTER, Trinity College - Dublin

16. Proche-Orient et Madagascar

Room: New Hampshire

Chair : Noro Andriamasy, University of Connecticut

"Le Proche-Orient et la France dans les romans dAmin Maalouf"

Marie NAUDIN, University of Connecticut

"La reecriture de lhistoire chez Amin Maalouf"

Carine BOURGET, University of Arizona

"Notes from Madagascar 1942-1946: The Missionarys Dream-Book."

Christine M. CANO, Case Western Reserve University

"Between Autobiography and Ethnography: Pelandrova Dreos Pelandrova"

Jeanne GARANE, University of South Carolina at Columbia

17. Etranges espaces (Villes dailleurs)

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Andre Benhaim, Princeton University

"L'Autre Fort-de-France"

Valerie LOICHOT, Emory University

" Decolonizing Urban Space: The Refashioning of French Villes Nouvelles in Post-colonial Morocco"

Marion KIRK, Emory University

"Reves dAlger (dHelene Cixous)"

Nathalie DEBRAUWERE-MILLER, Vanderbilt University

"Albert Cohen, Jerusalem"

Andre BENHAIM, Princeton University

18. Jazz narratives : When Musicology Makes Literature

Room: Maine

Chair : Eric Luis Prieto, University of California at Santa Barbara

"Jazz as a Discursive Ideal in Bassek Ba Kobhios Le grand blanc de Lambarene"

Pim HIGGINSON, Bryn Mawr College

"Jazz and the Fragmentation of Caribbean Totality in Daniel Maximins LIle et une nuit"

Nick NESBITT, Miami University

"Jazz, Improvisation, and Michel Leiriss Ideal of une communication entiere"

Eric Luis PRIETO, University of California at Santa Barbara

"Les Mondes du jazz dAndre Hodeir : un precurseur interdisciplinaire"

Jean-Louis PAUTROT, Saint Louis University


Coffee Break 3:45 - 4:00


Thursday Afternoon II - 4 :00-5 :30

19. Algeriennes

Room: Maine

Chair: Laurence Huughe, Mount Holyoke College

"Angoisse et espoir dans Nzid de Malika Mokeddem"

Margot MILLER, University of Maryland

"Images, Messages, and the Paratext in Algerian Womens Writing"

Pamela PEARS, Washington College

"Assia Djebar, Ces voix qui massiegent, la contre-histoire ou les avatars de lanamnese"

Dominique FISHER, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

20. Peinture et ecriture

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Anne Mairesse, University of San Francisco

"La representation du multiple depuis la fin du XIXeme siecle: le polyptyque (Gustave Moreau, Pierre Soulages, Proust)"

Serge BOURJEA, Universite de Montpellier-III

"Describing without Lines: Georges Braques Late Painting and Verbal Description"

Jennifer PAP, University of Denver

"Lart pictural contre lemprise des langues: Une lecture de Par des traits dHenri Michaux"

Dominique PONCELET, Ripon University

21. War, Crime, and Violence

Room: Vermont

Chair : David Herzberger, University of Connecticut

"Representing Violence: Jean Genets Quatre heures a Chatila"

Vassiliki FLENGA, Ramapo College

"The Korean Conflict in French Political Cartoons"

Dominique A. LAURENT, Dickinson College

"The Politics of Performance: Mediating Roberto S/Zucco"

Deborah S. REISINGER, Duke University

"French Writers in Journalism against the Ethiopians War"

Anne MATHIEU, Universite de Nantes

22. La Nouvelle Critique, revue et corrigee

Room: New Hampshire

Chair : William Calin, University of Florida

"Un certain sujet" (Roland Barthes)

Frederic CANOVAS, Arizona State University

"Reading around Barthess Nouvelle Critique Reading of Bataille"

Allan STOEKL, Pennsylvania State University

"Albert Beguin: His Legacy to Literary History and the Canon"

William CALIN, University of Florida

23. Modiano and Bruder

Room: New England IV

Chairs : Lynn Higgins, Dartmouth College

and Richard Golsan, Texas A&M University

"Fugue States"

Lynn HIGGINS, Dartmouth College

"Dora, Trauma, and the Memory of the Holocaust"

Judith GREENBERG, Independent scholar

"Le roman francais contemporain aux prises avec l'Histoire: etude comparative de Dora Bruder de Patrick Modiano et de La compagnie des spectres de Lydie Salvayre"

Audrey LASSERRE, Universite de Paris III

"Dora Bruder, Maurice Papon, and the Late Show"

Richard GOLSAN, Texas A&M University

24. Lenonciation des lieux/Lieux denonciation

Room: Hartford

Chair : Adelaide Russo, Louisiana State University

"Formes du lieu habite: narrations et deplacements"

Simon HAREL, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

"Espace elegiaque/Espace imaginaire: Leman de Jean-Marie Gleize et Description dOlonne de Jean-Christophe Bailly"

Adelaide RUSSO, Louisiana State University

"L'uvre en devenir, mouvement et permanence dans le texte butorien"

Florence RIGAL, Universite de Montpellier

6:00 - 7:00. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Kristin ROSS, New York University: "May 68 and Its Afterlives" introduced by Keith READER, University of Glasgow.

7:00 - 8:00: Reception

Room: New England Ballroom

Friday, April 5


Continental Breakfast



Friday Morning I - 9:00-10:30

25. Multicultural Performances

Room: Maine

Chair : Leah Hewitt, Amherst College

"Performing the Hyphen: The Theater of Algerians in France"

Jan B. GROSS, Grinnell College

"Allegorizing the Memory of the Algerian War through Glucks Orphee et Eurydice: Brigitte Rouans Outremer"

Janie VANPEE, Smith College

"Re-identification culturelle, deviation linguistique, et verlan dans La Haine de Mathieu Kassovitz"

Christophe LAGIER, California State University at Los Angeles

"Screen Memories: Immigration, Globalization, and the Rise of the French Heritage Film"

Dayna OSCHERWITZ, Catholic University

26. Genres and Subgenres

Room: New England III

Chair : Jean-Louis Hippolyte, Kansas State University

"Piste de signes: le roman scout, Serge Dalens et Le Bracelet de vermeil"

Gerald PRINCE, University of Pennsylvania

"Detecting the Writer: Intersections in the Works of Patrick Modiano and Paul Auster"

Sarah E. CANT, University of Oxford

"The Prison Novel: Albertine Sarrazins La Cavale and the Case for Literary Subgenre"

Andrew SOBANET, University of Pennsylvania

"Antoine Volodine: Literature after the Apocalypse"

David BELLOS, Princeton University

27. Sex and Text

Room: New England IV

Chair : Susan Weiner, Yale University

"Sexualizing Textuality, Textualizing Sexuality: Kristevas (counter-) Representation of the Body in Les Samourais, Le vieil homme et les loups, and Possessions"

Szu-chin CHEN, University of Edinburgh

"Pour un Amant redime? Annaud et Duras ou du mensonge possible de la litterature et de levidence des images"

Joseph E. GARREAU, University of Massachusetts at Lowell

"Catherine Cusset: erotisme et silence"

Isabelle GROS, Grand Valley State University

"Decadent Love: Rachilde and the Popular Romance"

Diana HOLMES, University of Leeds

28. Recent Cinema

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Reda Bensmaia, Brown University

"Dogma 95 : ou la nouvelle Nouvelle Vague venue du nord"

Annie D. TREGOUET, Oberlin College

"Cinema digital and numerique: Contemporary Cinema on Either Side of the Atlantic"

James AUSTIN, Yale University

"Derives du cinema francais contemporain"

Panivong NORINDR, University of Southern California at Claremont

"Tous les autres de la France: Amelie, Fantasy, and the Post-colonial Metropole"

Catherine PEEBLES, University of New Hampshire

29. Is Quebec Post-colonial ?

Room: Hartford

Chair: Marvin Richards, John Carroll University

Respondent: Gaetan Brulotte, University of South Florida

"Claude Jutra: Toward a Post-colonial Quebec Cinema"

Mary Jean GREEN, Dartmouth College

" Comment relire la litterature quebecoise dans un contexte postcolonial"

Amaryll CHANADY, Universite de Montreal

"La Nouvelle-France et la nouvelle France. Or, Are Quebec Studies French Studies?"

Marvin RICHARDS, John Carroll University

30. Between Us: Psychoanalysis, Poetry, and Martial Arts

Room: Vermont

Chair : Helene Domon, California State University at Fullerton

"La symbolicite primordiale: une approche critique de la conception freudienne/lacanienne"

Gerard BUCHER, State University of New York at Buffalo

"Budo: Art de la mort, art de la vie"

Farrokh MOSHFEGH, California State University at Fullerton

"Lhonneur de renaitre chez nous: Arts martiaux, arts poetiques de Victor Segalen"

Helene DOMON, California State University at Fullerton


Coffee Break 10:30-10:45


Friday Morning II - 10:45-12:15

31. Poetry Inc.

Room: Hartford

Chair : Jean-Jacques Poucel, Yale University

"Que peut un homme ?" "Que veut une femme?"

Anne MAIRESSE, University of San Francisco

"Poesie, plaisir et morale chez Ponge"

Gerard GASARIAN, Tufts University

"Une poesie du vivant: les histoires naturelles de Jules Renard, Henri Michaux et Pierre Morency"

Jacques PAQUIN, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres

"La distance allusive et le poete d' Occident: l' exemple de Philippe Jaccottet"

Herve FERRAGE, French Cultural Service

32. Photographie

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Timothy Murray, Cornell University

"Claude Simon, Litterature et Photographie"

Aymeric GLACET, Emory University

"Death of the Photograph: Laying Roland Barthess Camera Lucida to Rest"

Damian SUTTON, Glasgow School of Art

"The Sacred and the Artificial: Hybrid Dimensions in Barbara Kastens Photographic Constructs"

Michele DRUON, California State University at Fullerton

"Photographie et Autobiographie: Bon ou mauvais menage?"

Catherine POISSON, Wesleyan University

33. Theories

Room: New England III

Chair : Hassan Melehy, University of Connecticut

"Absolute Theories with Obsolete Theorems: Linguistic Problems with (Post-) Structuralism"

Dan EDELSTEIN, University of Pennsylvania

" Ceci est (quand meme) une pipe: Two Dogmas of Literary Studies"

Stephen A. SCHWARTZ, University College Dublin

"(More) French Resistance: Poststructuralism and the Distinction of History"

Philippe CARRARD, University of Vermont

34. Carrefours culturels, carrefours sexuels

Room: Vermont

Chair : Michele Bacholle, Eastern Connecticut State University

"The Farming of Lost History: Two Renditions of a Haitian Tragedy"

Margaret HEADY, Eastern Washington University

"Personnages en exil de Linda Le: leur identite plurielle"

Maryse FAUVEL, College of William and Mary

"Ecrire lAlgerie et la France ou la reconciliation de lidentite sexuelle dans Garcon manque de Nina Bouraoui"

Armelle CROUZIERES-INGENTHRON, Middlebury College

"Connections and Disconnections in Paule Constants Novels Ouregano and Balta"

Gill RYE, University of London

35. Air du temps et individualisme

Room: Maine

Chair : Anne-Marie Obajtek-Kirkwood, Drexel University

"Ce declin dont on parle depuis longtemps"

Pierre VERDAGUER, University of Maryland

"Amelie Nothomb: jecris pour moi, vous lisez pour moi"

Yves-Antoine CLEMMEN, Stetson University

"High (?) Literature and the Modern Market: Refashioning the Minuit Brand"

Steve SPALDING, University of Michigan

"Un petit traite du Boveisme culturel"

John WESTBROOK, Bucknell University


36. Citoyennete et ecole: hier et aujourdhui

Room: New England IV

Chair : Nathalie Rachlin, Scripps College

"Republican Education at the Start of the Twentieth Century: Teaching at Cross-purposes"

Leon SACHS, Yale University

"Ecole, Langage et Citoyennete"

Michele VERDELHAN-BOURGADE, Universite de Montpellier-III

"Manuels denseignement du francais en milieu allophone au Quebec et citoyennete"

Corinne CORDIER-GAUTHIER, Carleton University

"Lintellectuel et linstituteur: Charles Maurras, la republique et la pedagogie"

Helene GRESSO, Pennsylvania State University


Lunch Break, 12:15- 2:15


Friday Afternoon I - 2:15-3:45

37. Mind Games : Literature, Science, and Memory

Room: New England IV

Chair : Jean-Louis

, Kansas State University

"Le deuil a lappel des mondes possibles chez Jacques Roubaud"

Florence MARSAL, Connecticut College

"Memory Forges Forms"

Peter CONSENSTEIN, Borough of Manhattan Community College

"Language as Memory: Roussels Locus Solus in Context"

Rebecca GRAVES, University of Michigan

"Fuzzy Memories"

Jean-Louis HIPPOLYTE, Kansas State University

38. American Import/Export

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Rae Beth Gordon, University of Connecticut

" Ceci nest pas une voiture: Rescuing a Black Suburban from Its/His Ghetto or Why The West Wing Is a Fiasco on French Television"

Colette WINDISH, Spring Hill College

"Off-Off Broadway and the Parisian Cafe-theatre: Devoted Siblings or Distant Cousins?"

Sue HARRIS, Queen Mary, University of London

"How the Cake-Walk Came To Be the National Dance of France"

Rae Beth GORDON, University of Connecticut

"From le Moko to le Pew: Pepes Transmogrifications. French Representations in American Popular Culture as Seen through the Film and Cartoon Adaptations of Julien Duviviers Pepe le Moko"

Edward OUSSELIN, Western Washington University


39. Experiences de multiculturalisme

Room:New England III

Chair : Maryse Fauvel, College of William and Mary

"Linda Le: une ecriture dailleurs?"

Isabelle FABRE, University of Nevada at Reno

"Semiotique de la diversite culturelle francaise"

Dina SHERZER, University of Texas

"Mediterraneenne, nomade et francophone: le modele feminin selon Nzid de Malika Mokeddem"

Florence MARTIN, Goucher College

"Des peres et des filles: resistance au biculturalisme dans les romans de Lan Cao et Linda Le"

Michele BACHOLLE, Eastern Connecticut State University

40. Politique des bons sentiments. Lengagement comme censure

Room: Vermont

Chair : Maxime Blanchard, Harvard University

"Efficacite, discussion et poesie politiques"

Maxime BLANCHARD, Harvard University

"Le magma de la pensee planetaire"

Terry COCHRAN, Universite de Montreal

"Chemin denfer: Zola et la guerre des bons sentiments"

Brian MARTIN, Harvard University

"Pathos et empathie. Y a-t-il une politique de lemotion?"

Catherine MAVRIKAKIS, Universite Concordia

41. Articulations of Music and Literature

Room: Maine

Chairs : Linda Cummins, University of Alabama

Ina Pfitzner, Louisiana State University

"Satie and the Limits of Musical Expression"

Linda CUMMINS, University of Alabama

"Au terme de la sonate. Reel et langage musical chez Pascal Quignard"

Constanze BAETHGE, Universitat Osnabruck

" Musique exacte et paroles incomprehensibles The Literary Language of Music in Romain Rollands Jean Christophe, Panait Istratis Mes departs, and Robert Desnoss Lasile ami (Corps et biens)"

Ina PFITZNER, Louisiana State University


42. Continu/Discontinu dans la poesie contemporaine

Room: Hartford

Chair: Elisabeth Cardonne-Arlyck, Vassar College

"Une remise en chemin"

Elisabeth CARDONNE-ARLYCK, Vassar College

"Le vers entre continuite et discontinuite"

Michel COLLOT, Universite de Paris-III

"Vers de prose"

Benoit CONORT, Universite de Paris-X

"Poesie comme extremite"

Jean-Noel CHRISMENT, physician and poet


Coffee Break 3:45- 4:00


Friday Afternoon II - 4:00-5:30

43. Derives surrealistes

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Martine Antle, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Autour de Dyn: le dialogue entre Peret et Paalen"

Richard SPITERI, University of Malta

"Les identites surrealistes: lesbianisme et pedophilie dans Nadja et Les detraquees "

Martine ANTLE, University of North Carolina at Chapel hill

"Les images invisibles du surrealisme"

Timo KAITARO, Academy of Finland, University of Joensuu

"Le surrealisme et le pouvoir separateur de l'Oeil"

Bernard LUSCANS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

44. Banlieues

Room: Maine

Chair : Alec Hargreaves, Florida State University

"An Analysis of the Social Dynamic in an Immigrant Community: The Case of Montereau-Surville"

Adam A. LEFF, Bates College

"Archetypes urbains: geopoetique des banlieues dans lentre-deux-guerres"

Derek SCHILLING, Rutgers University

"Representin French Rap"

Nicole ASQUITH, Johns Hopkins University

"Ecole et banlieue: lexperience des zones deducation prioritaire (ZEP)"

Marie-Christine KOOP, University of North Texas


45. Violence, Trauma, and Mourning in Contemporary Quebecois Writing

Room: New England IV

Chair : Jane Moss, Colby College

"Female Criminality: Suzanne Jacobs LObeissance, A Novel of Infanticide/Filicide"

Paula Ruth GILBERT, George Mason University

"Les Formes fragmentaires du deuil dans trois romans quebecois contemporains"

Milena SANTORO, Georgetown University

"Ash Words: An Archeology of Trauma in Daniel Danis, Jean-Paul Daoust, and Huguette Gaulin"

Shawn HUFFMAN, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

"Quebec Immigrant Drama: Traumatized Memory"

Jane MOSS, Colby College

46. Revising Right and Left: Postwar Struggles, Exclusions, and Attempted Bridgings in French Film, Literature, Culture

Room: New England III

Chair: Van Kelly, University of Kansas

"Pierre Kast and Cold War Film Criticism"

Philip WATTS, University of Pittsburgh

"Paul Morand ou les paradoxes de la revision"

Marc DAMBRE, Universite de Paris-III

"Like Cats, All Crimes Are Gray in the Night: The Livre noir du communisme Debate in France"

Richard GOLSAN, Texas A&M University

"National Republicanism: Beyond Left and Right?"

Christopher FLOOD, University of Surrey

47. Poesie et hybridite: table ronde animee par Jean-Michel Maulpoix, poet

Room: Hartford

Benoit CONORT, Universite de Paris-X

Dawn CORNELIO, Manchester College

Benedicte GORRILLOT, Universite de Valenciennes

Marie ETIENNE, writer

Yasmine GETZ, Universite de Lille-III

48. Paulhan pluridisciplinaire

Room: Vermont

Chair : Carol Murphy, University of Florida at Gainesville

"La correspondance Jean Paulhan-Jean Dubuffet, ou le peintre a lecole des lettres"

Julien DIEUDONNE, Universite de Paris-III

"Dune institution a lautre: la place du politique dans les Lettres dapres Les Fleurs de Tarbes"

Anna-Louise MILNE, British Institute in Paris, University of London

"Creativity and Ideas: Jean Paulhan, Director of the Nouvelle Revue Francaise"

Martyn CORNICK, British Institute of Paris, University of London

"Rhetorique du texte et de limage: Jean Paulhan et Jean Fautrier"

Carol MURPHY, University of Florida

8:00 : Poetry Reading and Refreshments, Pumpkin's Coffeehouse, 54 Pratt Street, Hartford.

Serge BOURJEA, Universite de Montpellier-III, introduces poets Marie ETIENNE, Benoit CONORT, Jean-Michel MAULPOIX.

Saturday, April 6


Continental Breakfast



Saturday Morning I - 9 :00-10 :30

49. Psychoanalysis and Beyond

Room: Hartford

Chair : Catherine Peebles, University of New Hampshire

"Psychoanalysis, Detection, and Fiction: Julia Kristevas Detective Novels"

Colin DAVIS, University of Oxford

"Hitchcock, Zizek, and the Roman Noir: Looking Awry at Jean Echenozs Les Grandes Blondes"

Ruth CRUICKSHANK, University of Oxford

"Quant a Sade, ca decante meme Kant: les tours de passe-passe stylistique de Lacan dans Kant avec Sade"

Corinne LA MARLE, Indiana University

"Lacan and the Feminists: Who Is the Analyst?"

Judith FEHER-GUREWICH, Harvard University

50. Poetry and the Visual Arts: Conjunctions and Crossovers

Room: Vermont

Chair: John Stout, McMaster University

"Crossovers: The Interplay between Poetry and Art in the Works of Ponge and Fautrier"

Dianne SEARS, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

"A Place for Kandinsky: Inner Necessity and Abstraction in Post-surrealist Poetry"

Van KELLY, University of Kansas

"Poetry-as-painting-as-engagement: Williams and Char"

Scott SHINABARGAR, Emory University

"The Art of Description Updated: Still Life in Contemporary French Poetry"

John STOUT, McMaster University

51. Legacies of Violence in Postcolonial Literatures

Room: New England III

Chair: Meaghan Emery, Ohio State University

"Quand Alger couvait des oeufs de guerre: Les reveries de la femme sauvage dHelene Cixous"

Mireille ROSELLO, Northwestern University

"Mortal Silence after the Storm in Anne Heberts Les fous de Bassan "

Jennifer WILLGING, Ohio State University

"Building Community over the Politics of Difference in Patrick Chamoiseaus Texaco"

Meaghan EMERY, Ohio State University

" Le mal ne doit pas matteindre ou comment detourner la violence institutionnelle chez Paul Smail"

Michel LARONDE, University of Iowa

52. Presence de la prehistoire

Room: Massachusetts

Chair: Michel Lantelme, University of Oklahoma

"La Madeleine (Proust et Chevillard)"

Andre BENHAIM, Princeton University

"La grotte Rouaud"

Michel LANTELME, University of Oklahoma

"Homo Lascaux (Georges Bataille)"

Milo SWEEDLER, Emory University

"Une petite grotte de Lascaux"

Philippe BONNEFIS, Emory University

53. Sur Pascal Quignard

Room: Maine

Chair: Jean-Louis Pautrot, Saint Louis University

"Une ecriture intraitable (au sujet des Petits Traites)"

Bruno BLANCKEMAN, Universtite de Caen

"Poetique de la psychanalyse dans loeuvre de Pascal Quignard"

Chantal LAPEYRE-DESMAISON, Universite Michel de Montaigne

"Verite et affirmations chez Pascal Quignard"

Dominique RABATE, Universite de Bordeaux

"Pascal Quignard, fictions critiques"

Dominique VIART, Universite de Lille 3


54. Regards actuels sur les Francaises: Anciennes querelles et/ou nouveaux debats

Room: New England IV

Chair : Elyane Dezon-Jones, Washington University

"L' identite feminine dans la bataille poetique"

Marie ETIENNE, writer

"Le cinema des femmes, en France, aujourd' hui"

Genevieve SELLIER, Universite de Caen

"Plus ca change: de lecriture feminine a la parite"

Isabelle de COURTIVRON, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Nouveaux regards sur les Francaises"

Michele SARDE, Georgetown University


Coffee Break 10:30 - 10:45

Saturday Morning - 10 :45-12 :15

55. French Studies

Room: Maine

Chair: Jean-Philippe Mathy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Respondent: Marie-Pierre Le Hir, University of Arizona

"Les etudes culturelles francaises aux USA: un conflit franco-americain"

Sabine LOUCIF, Hofstra Universtiy

"French Studies and Film: Nenette et Boni, Quartier Mozart, and Gazon Maudit"

Caroline CLIFFORD, Randolph-Macon College

"A la recherche des bons temps: Teaching and Learning (in) French Cultural Studies"

Charles STIVALE, Wayne State University

"Presence de Pierre Bourdieu dans les etudes francaises"

Marie-Pierre LE HIR, University of Arizona

56. Contemporary Writings

Room: Vermont

Chair: Dominique Viart, Universite de Lille 3

"Critique et fiction chez Pierre Michon, ou comment ecrire aujourdhui avec Balzac et Rimbaud"

Oana PANAITE, The Johns Hopkins University

"Lart en minuscule"

Elizabeth ARNOULD-BLOOMFIELD, University of Kentucky

"Questions de fiction: debut de romans chez Darrieussecq et Jean Echenoz"

Martine MOTARD-NOAR, Western Maryland College

"Ecriture de soi et psychanalyse: leurre ou gageure? Lauto-analyse de Serge Doubrovsky"

Annie JOUAN-WESTLUND, Cleveland State University


57. Traduction

Room: New England III

Chair : Alyson Waters, Yale University

"Le Juif et le Meteque: Apollinaire traduit"

Serge GAVRONSKY, Barnard College, Columbia University

"Translating Africa in Heremakhonon"

Gayatri Chakravorty SPIVAK, Columbia University

"Translating Fanon"

Richard PHILCOX, Translator

58. Is Modernism French?

Room: Hartford

Chair : Kimberley Healey, University of Rochester

"Reverdy et le modernisme litteraire en France"

Roxana VICOVANU, Universite de Geneve

"Un aspect du modernisme: art et societe marchande chez Apollinaire, 1910-1918"

Sandrine MONTIN, Universite de Caen

"The Function of the Author in French and English Modernist Theories of Impersonality (1919-1926)"

Niels BUCH-JEPSEN, Cornell University

"If Modernism Is French, What Is French Modernism?"

Kimberley HEALEY, University of Rochester


59. Women Writing War

Room: New England IV

Chair : Frederique Chevillot, University of Denver

"A la guerre comme a la guerre: analyse cognitive de la metaphore de la guerre dans LAmour, la Fantasia"

Martine FERNANDES, University of California at Berkeley

"Ce soir, apres la guerre de Viviane Forrester: errance subie, assumee ou transcendee?"

Anne-Marie OBAJTEK-KIRKWOOD, Drexel University

"Witnessing War in Womens Drama"

Cecilia BEACH, Alfred University

"Postcolonial Representations of Sekou Toures Dictatorship in Nadine Baris Autobiographical Writings"

Marie-Chantal KALISA, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

60. Histoire et Cinema Francais

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Rosemarie Scullion, University of Iowa

"Jean Renoirs Reception : Popular Front Cinema in the Cultural Weeklies"

Lars PETERSON, University of Iowa

"French Filmmakers and the Spanish Civil War"

Rosemarie SCULLION, University of Iowa

" Nousqui n'entendons pas que l'on crie sans fin: Representation and Complicity in Nuit et Brouillard"

Debarati SANYAL, University of California at Berkeley

"De lautre cote de la memoire: La guerre sans nom de Bertrand Tavernier"

Nathalie RACHLIN, Scripps College


Lunch Break 12:15 2:15


Saturday Afternoon I - 2 : 15-3:45

61. Center and Periphery in French Visual Culture

Room: Hartford

Chair : Michael Orwicz, University of Connecticut

"For an Independent Revolutionary Art: Andre Breton"

Robin GREELEY, University of Connecticut

"Nationalism, Regionalism, and Spaces of Modernity"

Michael ORWICZ, University of Connecticut

"Appropriation and Its Discontents: French Feminism and Pacific Exotica"

Anne DALLEVA, University of Connecticut

"Esprit Nouveau and Ironic Discourse: Contradiction or Convergence? An Interarts Perspective"

Monique YAARI, Pennsylvania State University

62. Queer Perspectives

Room: Vermont

Chair : Lawrence Schehr, University of Illinois

"Free Willy: Colettes Exs Gay Writing"

Lawrence SCHEHR, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"Gael Morels A toute vitesse (1996): Beur/Gay Identity and (Sexual) Citizenship in Contemporary French Film"

Denis PROVENCHER, University of Wisconsin

"Foucaults Fist"

Lynne HUFFER, Rice University

63. Patterns and Spaces in the French Novel

Room: New England IV

Chair : Margot MILLER, University of Maryland

" Dun espace inutile: Perec, Proust, and Architectural Motif in La Vie mode demploi"

Paul B. KELLEY, Wake Forest University

"Le reve dans la litterature francaise du 20e siecle: Queneau, Perec, Butor, Blanchot"

Daiana DULA-MANOURY, Universite du Havre

"Vers une ethique de la legerete. La prose romanesque de Raymond Jean"

Pascal RIENDEAU, University of Toronto

"Deplacements de la voix narrative dans le roman contemporain"

Marie-Pascale HUGLO, Universite de Montreal

64. French and Francophone Women Writing History

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Jennifer Willging, Ohio State University

"Maryse Condes Fictive History of the Black Diaspora"

Laurence M. PORTER, Michigan State University

"Histoire imposee, histoire refoulee: Living History in Gisele Pineaus La grande drive des esprits, Exil selon Julia, and Esperance-Macadam"

Dominique LICOPS, Northwestern University

"Les ressources imaginatives de certaines Resistantes pendant la deuxieme guerre mondiale"

Monique SAIGAL, Pomona College

" Poesie-ecran et machine de guerre chez Nadia Tueni"

Christophe IPPOLITO, Dickinson College

65. "Lecume des jours": linfime de lintime dans lecriture du carnet

Room: Connecticut

Chair : Philippe Met, University of Pennsylvania

"Ecrire la journee"

Michael SHERINGHAM, Royal Holloway - University of London

" Cette espece de chronique trouee: la poetique du journal de bord selon Antoine Emaz"

Yves CHARNET, Ecole Nationale Superieure de lAeronautique et de lEspace

"Sabine Macher: Ecriture, temps et perte"

Thangam RAVINDRANATHAN, University of Pennsylvania

"A la recherche du temps perdu: Sabine Macher et Gil Jouanard"

Philippe MET, University of Pennsylvania

66. France and Globalization

Room: Maine

Chair: Michel Gueldry, Monterey Institute of International Studies


Alain-Philippe DURAND, University of Rhode Island

"Les voie/x de lEtat : discours institutionnels francais sur la mondialisation"

Monique OYALLON, Mansfield University

"African Women and Globalization: A New Transformation"

Samay GHEEWALA, University of Rochester

"La France face a son futur. La difficile adaptation des valeurs nationales a la mondialisation"

Michel GUELDRY, Monterey Institute of International Studies


Coffee Break 3:45 - 4:00


Saturday Afternoon - 4 :00-5 :30

67. Jazz in Paris: Reception and Influence of Jazz in French Culture

Room: New Hampshire

Chair : Peter Schulman, Old Dominion University

"Continent...: Jazz, Modernism, and Pan-Africanism in France, 1919-1939"

Jody BLAKE, Bucknell University

"Le jazz-hot: Cabaret in Paris in the Roaring Twenties"

Terri GORDON, Barnard College

"Jouer le jeu: The Poetry of Jacques Reda's Jazz Criticism"

Peter SCHULMAN, Old Dominion University

68. Identity and Resistance in the Caribbean

Room: Hartford

Chair : Thomas C. Spear, City University of New York

"Traces of Caribbean Identity"

Jarrod HAYES, University of Michigan

"Langage, exil, et identite dans Heremakhonon de Maryse Conde"

Safoi BABANA EL-ALAOUI, University of Maryland

"Slavery, Ideology, and the Haitian Noirist Nation in the Work of Maurice Casseus"

Valerie KAUSSEN, University of Missouri

"Resistance, Hybridity, and Empowerment: The Female Character in the French Caribbean Novel"

Ena VULOR, Marietta College

69. Reading Culture

Room: Maine

Chair : Ora Avni, Yale University

"Le calembour dans les messages publicitaires en francais"

Jacques-Charles LEMAIRE, Universite de Lille III

"Les Jeanne dArc de Peguy"

Ora AVNI, Yale University

"Black Is Beautiful: Lifestyle Magazines for Minority Ethnic Women in France and the UK"

Joanna HELCKE, Loughborough University

"Republishing Colonialist Comic Books Today"

Mark McKINNEY, Miami University

70. Entre la rage et la jouissance: lecriture du sexe en France

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Martine Delvaux, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

"La Politique du sexe"

Stephane SPOIDEN, University of Michigan

"A bout de souffle: vitesse, rage et pornographie. Parcours rapide des textes de Herve Guibert et Christine Angot"

Catherine MAVRIKAKIS, Universite Concordia


Martine DELVAUX, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

"La Maman, La Putain, et Le Pornographe: 1970's Sexuality Then and Now"

Susan WEINER, Yale University

71. One Thousand Folds: Deleuze and Literature

Room: Vermont

Chair : Jerome Cornette, Reed College

"Affects, Percepts, and Deleuzes Concept of Literary Style"

Jerome GAME, Cambridge University

"Deleuze and Literature: The Stalling Factor"

Mary BRYDEN, University of Reading

"Deleuze, lentre-deux, and Literary Style"

Charles J. STIVALE, Wayne State University

6:30 7:00. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Michel BUTOR and Mireille CALLE-GRUBER. An Exchange: "Champs hybrides: entrees variables dans luvre de Michel Butor"

7:00 7:30. Michel BUTOR

"Le francais comme passage"

Room: New England Ballroom

7:45: Caribbean Banquet: dinner, music, and dance with live band

Room: New England Ballroom

Sunday, April 7




Sunday Morning - 9:00-10:30

72. Le Quebec dans tous ses etats.

Room: Vermont

Chair : Pascale Dewey, Kutztown University

"Jeux de langage et strategies narratives dans LAcquittement de Gaetan Soucy, ou la fiction comme investigation philosophique"

Nicolas XANTHOS, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

"Survol de la nouvelle quebecoise de 1990 a 2000"

Gaetan BRULOTTE, University of Southern Florida

"Quebec in Americas"

Pascale DEWEY, Kutztown University

73. Anthropologie du voyage

Room: Hartford

Chair: Charles Forsdick, University of Glasgow

"The Gidian Knot: Voyage au Congo as Literary Crossroads"

Paulette HACKER, University of Miami

"Pelerinages phantasmatiques: Recits dEllis Island par Robert Bober et Georges Perec"

Daphne SCHNITZER, Tel Aviv University

"Pour ou contre une litterature voyageuse?"

Charles FORSDICK, University of Liverpool

"Relating Antipodean Encounters: Hybridity in French Literary and Anthropological Writings on Australia"

Jacqueline DUTTON, University of Melbourne

74. Cinema and Other Disciplines

Room: Maine

Chair : Edward Benson, University of Connecticut

"Art and Film: Maurice Pialats Van Gogh and Jacques Rivettes La Belle Noiseuse"

Marja WAREHIME, University of South Carolina at Columbia

"Science in French Cinema: Georges Franjus Aesthetic Realism"

Kate INCE, University of Birmingham

"Seeing Silence: Filmic and Acoustic Convergences in the Work of Thierry Knauff and Francisco Lopez"

Greg HAINGE, Adelaide University

"Lantitheatre au cinema"

Jerome CORNETTE, Reed College

75. Proust Anew

Room: Connecticut

Chair : Martine Gantrel, Smith College

"Entre ecriture et commemoration: La Recherche au pantheon des lieux de memoire"

Martine GANTREL, Smith College

"Neurobiology and Narration in A La recherche du temps perdu"

Katrina GOSEK, Harvard University

"Schopenhauer and Proust: Where Is the Will in Swanns Way?"

Claudia MOSCOVICI, Boston University

76. Paradoxes and Contradictions

Room: New Hampshire

Chair : Gerald Prince, University of Pennsylvania

" Paradoxe sartrien: genre et texte dans Orphee noir et Quest-ce que la litterature?"

Samira SAYEH, Pennsylvania State University

"Langage contradictoire, langage illusoire: la narration demolie de Samuel Beckett"

Sarah GLASCO, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Living with Contradiction: Narration in the Present Mode"

Connie R. ANDERSON, Wesleyan University

"La pellicule vocale: Writing Sleuth in[to]Cinema"

Ari BLATT, University of Pennsylvania

77. Beam me over to the 21st century! Energize your courses with Technology

Room: Massachusetts

Chair : Audrey Sartiaux, Trinity College

"Contempary France On-line: A Case Study in Collaborative Web-based Resource Development"

Tony MCNEILL, University of Sunderland

"Teaching with Technology: The 400 Blows"

Karina JERONIMIDES, Yale University

Julia LAKE SHEALY, University of Georgia

10:45. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Maryse CONDE, Columbia University, introduced by Leah HEWITT, Amherst College:

"Chronique d'une mort annoncee: litterature antillaise et mondialisation"

Room: New England Ballroom

11:30: Complimentary brunch offered by the University of Connecticut. During brunch we will briefly discuss "Colloques a venir" (2003, 2004, 2005).

Room: New England Ballroom