Appels à contributions
Identity-Building as a Function of Language and Narratives

Identity-Building as a Function of Language and Narratives

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Onoriu Colacel)

Call for papers: Identity-Building as a Function of Language and Narratives

(Messages, Sages, and Ages, online journal)

We invite proposals for articles exploring language(-use) and storytelling as traditional, yet under-recognized, forms of knowledge. The aim is to provide a look at the way meaning is attributed to both shared and individual experiences, as documented by popular media, literary texts, etc. The statement that “everything in culture has a narrative aspect to it” (Bal, Narratology: 1997) and the belief that the narrative of language/the language of narrative helps us “view and characterize others as opposed to ourselves” (Bourdieu, Distinction: 1996) should explain the self-identification work inherently performed while reporting on social reality. Authors are invited to consider both the medium and the message of their primary sources, as well as their own use of language and storytelling techniques. A major concern might be the partisan nature of identity-building in various academic and popular realms.

We welcome papers in English. Abstracts (cca. 200 words) and full papers (up to 7,000 words), together with a brief biographical sketch (cca. 400 words), are to be sent to the following address:

Reviews on recently published books are also welcome. Both single-book and multi-book reviews are not to exceed 2000 words. Reviews should only bear the title of the book under review and include bibliographical data.

Submission deadline: 1st of June 2015.


Messages, Sages, and Ages is an open-access peer-reviewed online journal.

Areas of interest which might be considered in addressing this and/or related issues are:

  • twentieth century literature and beyond
  • literary criticism
  • (postclassical) narratology
  • gender roles
  • (circulation/authorship of) narratives and the internet
  • popular culture
  • public narratives
  • discourse analysis
  • specialized languages
  • translation studies