Nouvelle parution
Histoire et pouvoir dans la littérature antillo-guyanaise

Histoire et pouvoir dans la littérature antillo-guyanaise

Publié le par René Audet (Source : Éditions du CIREF)

Ange-Séverin Malanda, Passages II. Histoire et pouvoir dans la littérature antillo-guyanaise, Éditions du CIREF. (ISBN 2 913 983-29-4)

Contributing to the effort of those who, in the Antilles and in Guyana, interrogate the language and the history, the present work confronts various problems. Proceeding to a second reading of several papers, the author pursues a research concerning the former as much as the most recent tours of thought or writing. The stakes which it(he) tracks down deceive in the report between writing and orality, or between language, knowledge, right and power. This study, which treats representations of the colonization, the slavery and postesclavagism, questions the speeches which are held about the 'créolité' or about the 'guyanité'. He counts some subjects or problems that the authors of Martinique, Guadeloupe or Guyana and Haiti reproduce or transform constantly or gradually.