Appels à contributions
Essays in French Literature and Culture (nr 47)

Essays in French Literature and Culture (nr 47)

Publié le par Matthieu Vernet (Source : Helene Jaccomard)

[Call in English below]

Paysage et mémoire

Les historiens ont bien démontré le lien consubstantiel qui existe entre lieux et mémoire. Leurs travaux mettent en lumière la manière dont les lieux, pris dans un sens large (puisqu'ils incluent monuments, institutions et même événements), contribuent à la construction de mythes, de l'identité et des croyances sur un plan aussi bien collectif que personnel. Une catégorie précise, celle de paysage, formera le sujet de ce numéro d'Essays in French Literature and Culture. Sans le restreindre à sa seule géographie, le paysage est susceptible d'être urbain, naturel et/ou culturel, intellectuel et/ou politique. Dans quelle mesure écrivains, cinéastes et artistes insèrent-ils leurs personnages - et leurs lecteurs - dans ces paysages mémoriels ? Quels sont les paysages, quelles sont les mémoires qui envahissent ou, au contraire, disparaissent des productions littéraires et culturelles ? La revue fait appel à des communications en français ou en anglais sur le thème du paysage et de la mémoire dans des oeuvres littéraires, artistiques ou cinématographiques d'auteurs français ou francophones.

Landscape and Memory

Historians have long demonstrated the ways in which place and memory are intimately entwined. Their works illuminate how places, in a broad sense (including monuments, institutions, even events), contribute to the construction of myths, identity and beliefs on both a collective and personal level. A specific category of places, landscape, will be the focus of this volume of Essays in French Literature and Culture. Not restricted to geography, a landscape may be urban, natural, cultural, intellectual and/or political. How do writers, film directors and artists position their characters - and readers - into these landscapes of memory? Which landscapes, which memories are likely to invade or, conversely, disappear from cultural and literary products? The journal is calling for contributions in English or French on the theme of landscape and memory in literary, artistic or cinematic works by French or francophone writers.

To be sent to:


15 November 2009: Proposals (300 words, with brief author's bio)

30 November 2009: Authors are informed if their proposals are accepted

15 February 2010: Submission of full articles (6000 words including footnotes and bibliography, using the journal's format.)

5 April 2010: Reviewers' reports sent to authors.

30 May 2010: Finalised articles to be returned, with a 200 word abstract (in English) and keywords.

October 2010: Publication

Essays in French Literature and Culture has been published by the French programme at the University of Western Australia since the 1960s. In its new format, in existence since 2007, each issue contains two sections: one on a particular theme and a second non-thematic section. On occasion there will also be a third, creative section featuring unpublished short pieces relating to the issue's theme. Non-thematic articles may be sent all year round. All submissions are reviewed blind by at least two specialist readers, and decisions regarding publication are made by the Editorial Board on the basis of readers' reports.

Hélène Jaccomard Bonnie Thomas
Managing editor Associate Editor

September 2009