Nouvelle parution
L' Epoque conradienne, vol.38, 2013

L' Epoque conradienne, vol.38, 2013

Publié le par Perrine Coudurier (Source : éditeur)

L’époque conradienne, vol. 38

Limoges : Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2013

EAN 9782842875893

150 p.

Prix 15EUR

Présentation : 

Most essays published in this volume are a selection of papers given at a conference at the Université Lumière-Lyon II on april 21, 2012. It was hosted jointly by the Sopciété Conradienne Française and the Lyon II Research Centre LCE (EA 1853). The theme chosen was “The Paradigm of Displacement in Conradian Criticism”.

Displacement is indeed a complex and far-reaching notion, which opens numerous avenues of exploration of Conrad’s works through various methodological approaches. If the figures of spatial displacement like journeys, exile, Wanderlust, colonialism and imperialistic ventures, continue to be relevant both textualized forms of displacement like intertextuality, transtextuality in the Deleuzian perpective of de-territorialization, not forgetting linguistic displacements were also taken into consideration.


Claude Maisonnat, Foreword

Catherine Delmas, Revisiting Almayer’s Folly: Displacement and Reterritorialisation in Chantal Akerman’s Film Adaptation of Conrad’s Novel

Nathalie Martinière, Displacing Authority: Turning Conrad into a Character

Catherine Delesalle-Nancey, Impossible Placement in “The Anarchist a Desperate Tale”

Claude Maisonnat, Whiskers and Whispers: Metafictional Negotiations in “The Secret Sharer”

Louis-Antony Martinez, The Neutralization of Dichotomies in "An Outpost of Progress"

Annick Drösdal-Levillain, Arches, Topos and "Archetropes" in Joseph Conrad’s Life and Work

Mark Deggan, Performance Value: Ethical Space and the Poetics of Theatricality in “The Lagoon” & Lord Jim

Kaoru Yamamoto, “Strange Fraternity” in The Rover

Pierre-Julien Brunet, “Un anarchiste” mis à nu par une source française inédite


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