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Eighteenth Century Fiction, Printemps 2007

Eighteenth Century Fiction, Printemps 2007

Publié le par Gabriel Marcoux-Chabot (Source : Site web de la revue)

Eighteenth Century Fiction publishes articles in both English and French on all aspects of imaginative prose in the period 1700–1800, but will also examine papers on late 17th-century or early 19th-century fiction, particularly when the works are discussed in connection with the eighteenth century.

Vol 19, No 3, Printemps 2007


The Promise and Frustration of Plebeian Public Opinion in Caleb Williams


La Place's Histoire de Tom Jones, ou l'enfant trouvé and Candide


The Tyranny of Gift Giving: The Politics of Generosity in Sarah Scott's Millennium

Hall and SirGeorge Ellison


"Periodical Visitations": Yellow Fever as Yellow Journalism inCharles Brockden Brown's Arthur Mervyn



Randolph Paul Runyon, The Art of thePersian Letters: Unlocking Montesquieu's "Secret Chain"
REVIEWED BY Sylvie Romanowski

Wendy S. Jones, Consensual Fictions: Women, Liberalism, and the EnglishNovel
REVIEWED BY James Cruise

Michael McKeon, The Secret History ofDomesticity: Public, Private, and the Division of Knowledge
REVIEWED BY John Richetti

Huguette Krief, éd., Vivre libre etécrire: Anthologie des romancières de la période révolutionnaire (1789-1800)
REVIEWED BY Marie-Laure Girou Swiderski

Yoav Rinon, Sadian Reflections
REVIEWED BY John Phillips

Anne de La Roche-Guilhen, Histoire des favorites, éd. Els Höhner
REVIEWED BY Perry Gethner

Anthony Wall, Ce corps qui parle. Pour une lecture dialogique de DenisDiderot
REVIEWED BY Stéphane Lojkine

Judith P. Zinsser and Julie Candler Hayes, eds. Emilie Du Châtelet: Rewriting Enlightenment Philosophy and Science
REVIEWED BY Sarah Hutton

David Marshall, The Frame of Art:Fictions of Aesthetic Experience, 1750-1815
REVIEWED BY Richard Kroll