Appels à contributions
Crisis in the Text?

Crisis in the Text?

Publié le par René Audet (Source : Liste Narrative)

The 27th Wyoming Conference on English:
June 20-23 2001

The University of Wyoming invites colleagues from across the Humanities and beyond to debate whether there is a crisis in the text, what it might be, whether it has always been there, how much we need it. We welcome theoretically-informed papers and presentations from critics, theorists, rhetoricians, creative writers, and scholars from other disciplines on the written, spoken, seen, imagined, reconstructed, deconstructed, constructive, disruptive text. Invited speakers include Judith Roof (*Reproductions of Reproduction: Imaging Symbolic Change*), Bev Seckinger (film documentary *Mommie Queerest*), and Kitty Locker (*Business and Administrative Communication*). Special events include workshops led by our main speakers, a Western Women's Poetry Revival Meeting, an American Studies Panel on the Reporting of Trauma, a cluster of panels on Matt Shepard, Safe Zone Training, a Creative Writing Seminar, and a Cajun/Latin dance. Our conference is famous for its special events, and for long talks under swaying pines that can change the way our discipline thinks. We encourage broad participation, and especially welcome multi-cultural and minority involvement.

Proposals for papers or sessions are due March 15th 2001

Mail to: Caroline McCracken-Flesher, Conference Director, Department of English, Box 3353, University of Wyoming, Laramie WY 82071, or call (307) 766-5113, or email

For general information, contact Amy Hollister at the same address, and (307) 766-6486 or

VISIT US ON THE WEB: Click on: Wyoming Conference on English

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    University of Wyoming