Questions de société
Classement des revues en Littérature proposé par l'ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities)

Classement des revues en Littérature proposé par l'ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities)

Publié le par Bérenger Boulay

Quelle légitimité pour le classement des revues proposé par l'ERIH?

En attendant celui promis par l'Aeres, voici le (très discutable) classement des revues en SHS (dont la Littérature) proposé par l'ERIH(European Reference Index for the Humanities), une instance dont lalégitimité demeure assez obscure. Quelle peut bien être la fonction dela tripartition proposée entre trois catégories de revues (A, B, C), sinon dedispenser les "évaluateurs" d'une réelle analyse scientifique de nospublications ? Des universitaires français appellent d'ores et déjà auboycott.

Réalisé par l'European Science Foundation et leconsortium HERA (projet ERIH: European Reference Inde) ce classement des revues en fonction de leurvisibilité internationale est consultable à l'adresse suivante :

La liste des revues classées a déjà été établie pour 14 champs disciplinaires :

  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Art, Architectural and design History
  • Classical Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • History
  • History and Philosophy of Science
  • Linguistics
  • Literature
  • Musicology
  • Pedagogical and Educational Research
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies and Theology


Classement des revues en Littérature proposé par l'ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities):

Liste des experts pour le domaine de la littérature:

Monica Spiridon (Chair), University of Bucharest, (RO)

Carlos Alvar, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, (ES)

Anne Marie Musschoot, Universiteit Gent, (BE)

Judith Still, University of Nottingham, (UK)

Jane Conroy, National University of Ireland, Galway, (IE)

Pekka Pesonen, University of Helsinki, Finland, (FI)

Sigrid Weigel, Universität Berlin, (DE)

Standing Committee for the Humanities Building a European Reference Index For the Humanities - ERIH

ERIH Initial List: Literature (2008)

European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) is a project jointly sponsored by ESF and the European Commission ERA-Net project “Humanities in the European Research Area” (HERA) (Contract no.: ERAC-CT-2005- 0161179). It comes under work-package 7 (Research Infrastructures).

The ERIH lists will help identify excellence in Humanities scholarship and should prove useful for the aggregate benchmarking of national research systems, for example, in determining the international standing of the research activity carried out in a given field in a particular country. As they stand, the lists are not a bibliometric tool. The ERIH Steering Committee and the Expert Panels therefore advise against using the lists as the only basis for assessment of individual candidates for positions or promotions or of applicants for research grants.

Expert Panel Scope Note: Literature studies encompass fields such as literary theory, literary history, comparative literature, rhetoric, cultural studies, folklore, poetics, theatre studies etc. The coverage of many national literary traditions with academic publication cultures in national languages – relevant as forum languages - makes this a fragmented and very diverse field.

The Panel does not cover literatures in non-European languages (“Oriental and African Studies”). Post-colonial literatures in European languages remain, however, within the scope of this Panel. For the fields of pragmatics and semiotics there are some overlaps with linguistics. For aspects of cultural and media studies there are overlaps with numerous other panels.


[Dans la liste ci-dessous, chaque revue est suivie d'une lettre (A, B ou C) indiquant son classement, puis de son numéro Issn]

Journal title - Category - ISSN :

Auto/Biography Studies B 0967-5507
Achttiende eeuw (De) B 0929-9890
Achtzehnte Jahrhundert (Das) B 0722-740X
Acta Literaria B 0567-8269
Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Philologica B 0567-8269
Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis: Neerlandica Wratislaviensia C 0860-0716
Aden (GIEN: Groupe Interdisciplinaire d'études nizaniennes) C 1638-9867
Aevum: rassegna di scienze storiche linguistiche e filologiche C 0001-9593
African American Review C 1062-4783
Agenda (London) C 0002-0796
Alighieri (L'): rassegna bibliografica dantesca C 1724-0433
Allegoria: per uno studio materialistico della letteratura C 1122-1887
Alternatives théâtrales B 0774-4145
Alvissmal C 0942-4555
América: cahiers du CRICCAL B 0982-9237
American Drama B 1061-0057
American Literary History A 0896-7148
American Literary Realism A 1540-3084
American Literary Scholarship A 0065-9142
American Literature B 0002-9831
American Quarterly A 0003-0678
American Transcendental Quarterly B 1078-3377
Amerikastudien A 0340-2827
Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik B 0304-6257
Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur B 0169-0221
Anachronist C 1219-2589
Anales Cervantinos B 0569-9878
Anales de literatura hispanoamericana B 0210-4547
Anales del Caribe C 0864-0491
Anderseniana B 0084-6465
Andvari C 0258-3771
Angelaki A 0969-725X
Angles: on the English Speaking World B 0903-1723
Anglia B 0340-5222
Anglo-Saxon England A 1474-0532
Annales Jean-Jacques Rousseau A 0259-6563
Annali della scuola normale superiore di Pisa C 0392-095X
Annali dell'Istituto universitario orientale, Napoli: sezione romanza C 0547-2121
Annali d'italianistica B 0741-7527
Année balzacienne (L') A 0084-6473
Antipodes B 0893-5580
Anuario de Estudios Filológicos C 0210-8178
Anuario de Letras B 0185-1373
Arabesken. Tijdschrift van het Louis Couperus genootschap C 0929-6344
Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik B 0171-5410
Arbitrium: Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Literaturwissenschaft B 0723-2977
Arcadia: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft A 0003-7982
Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte B 0003-8946
ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature B 0004-1327
Arizona Quarterly (The) B 0004-1610
Armada B 1384-105X
Arthurian Literature A 0261-9946
Arthuriana A 1078-6279
AS mediatijdschrift C 0773-5855
Augen-Blick C 0179-2555
Augias C 0108-0059
Australasian Victorian Studies B 1327-8746
Australian Journal of Irish Studies B 1444-5409
Australian Literary Studies B 0004-9697
Austrian Studies B 1350-7532
Avant garde C 1387-3008

Bâlgarski ezik i literatura (Sofija, Institut za bâlgarski ezik BAN) C 0323-9519
Belfagor: rassegna di varia umanità B 0005-8351
Belgisch tijdschrift voor filologie en geschiedenis / Revue belge de philologie et
d'histoire A 0035-0818
BELL: Belgian Essays on Language and Literature C 1376-2958
Bibliothèque d'humanisme et renaissance A 0006-1999
Bien dire et bien aprandre: revue de médiévistique B 0220-665X
Biografie Bulletin C 0925-7764
Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly B 0162-4962
Blake: an Illustrated Quarterly B 0160-628X
Boekenwereld (De): tijdschrift voor boek en prent C 0168-8391
Bogens verden: Tidskrift for litteratur og kultur C 0006-5692
Boletín de la Real Academia Gallega C 1576-8767
Boletín, Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona C 1695-5110
Book History B 1529-1499
Borderlines: Studies in American Culture B 0968-7475
Boundary 2: a Journal of Postmodern Literature A 0190-3659
Brakman cahier C 1386-3517
British Association for Romantic Studies Bulletin and Review B 0964-2447
British Journal for 18th Century Studies A 0141-867X
British Journal of Aesthetics A 0007-0904
Brontë Studies (Formerly: Brontë Society Transactions) B 1474-8932
Bullán B 1353-1913
Bulletin de la société d'etudes anglo-americaines des 17ième et 18ième siècles C 0291-3798
Bulletin de la société internationale des études yourcenariennes B 0987-7940
Bulletin de l'Académie royale de langue et de littératures françaises B 0770-7061
Bulletin du livre médiéval B 0753-5015
Bulletin Marcel Proust B 1249-674X
Bulletin of Society of Italian Studies C 0264-2190
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Glasgow C 1475-3820
Byron Journal B 0301-7257
Byzantinoslavica, revue internationale des études byzantines C 0007-7712

Cadernos de Literatura C 0871-4975
Cadernos de literatura brasileira B 1413-652X
Cadernos de literatura comparada C 1645-1112
Cahiers de l'association internationale des études françaises A 0571-5865
Cahiers de recherches médiévales (XIIIe-XVe siècles) A 1272-9752
Cahiers des amis de Pierre Benoit (Les) C 0992-9835
Cahiers d'études hongroises C 1149-6525
Cahiers du naturalisme (Les) A 1778-610X
Cahiers elisabéthains B 0184-7678
Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme B 0008-0284
Cahiers Jean Giraudoux B 0150-6943
Cahiers naturalistes (Les) A 0008-0365
Cahiers victoriens and edouardiens B 0220-5610
Cahiers Voltaire B 1637-4096
Caietele Echinox C 1582-960X
Callaloo, Journal of African American Literary Studies B 0161-2492
Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies A 1353-0089
Cambridge Quarterly A 0008-199X
Camoenae Hungaricae C 1786-5484
Canadian American Slavic Studies C 0090-8290
Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies B 0225-0500
Canadian Literature A 0008-4360
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature A 0319-051X
Caravelle: Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien B 1147-6753
Castilla C 1133-3820
Central Europe A 1479-0963
Ceská literatura A 0009-0468
Charles Lamb Bulletin C 0308-0951
Chaucer Review A 0009-2002
Chesterton Review C 0317-0500
Chroniques italiennes B 0766-4257
CLA Journal C 0007-8549
Classiconorroena C 1071-4405
Coleridge Bulletin B 0968-0551
College Literature C 0093-3139
Colloquia Germanica B 0010-1338
Colloquium helveticum: cahiers suisses de littérature générale et comparée B 0179-3780
Colóquia. Letras C 0010-1451
Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies B 0069-6412
Compar(a)ison: an International Journal of Comparative Literature C 0942-8917
Comparatistica C 1120-7094
Comparative American Studies (formerly: European Journal of American
Culture) B 1741-2676
Comparative Literature A 0010-4124
Confrontation B 0010-5716
Confronto letterario (Il). Quaderni del dipartimento di lingue e letterature
straniere moderne dell'università di Pavia B 0394-994X
Conradian B 0951-2314
Conradiana B 0010-6356
Contemporanea C 1135-9978

Contemporary French & Francophone Studies B 1740-9292
Contemporary Literature A 0010-7484
Contemporary Theatre Review B 1477-2264
Corónica (La) B 0193-3892
CRIN: cahiers de recherches des instituts néerlandais de langue et littérature
françaises B 0169-894X
Critica del testo B 1127-1140
Critica letteraria B 0390-0142
Critical Inquiry A 0093-1896
Critical Quarterly A 0011-1562
Critical Review B 0891-3811
Critical Studies: A Journal of Critical Theory, Literature and Culture C 0923-411X
Critical Survey B 0011-1570
Criticism: a Quarterly for Literature and the Arts B 0011-1589
Criticón C 0247-381X
Critique - Studies in Contemporary Fiction B 0011-1619
Cuadernos Americanos C 0011-2356
Cuadernos de Filología Italiana C 1133-9527
Cuadernos de Teatro Clásico C 0214-1388
Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos C 0011-250X
Cuadernos para Investigación de la Literatura Hispánica B 0210-0061
Cultura neolatina A 0391-5654

Dalhousie French Studies B 0711-8813
Danske Studier C 0106-4525
Dante Studies A 0070-2862
Daphnis: Zeitschrift für mittlere Deutsche Literatur B 0300-693X
Debat supplément (formerly Debat, Paris ) A 0248-8191
Dedalus. Revista de Literatura Comparada B 0871-9519
Degrés: revue de synthèse à l'orientation sémiologique A 0376-8163
Deutsche Bücher: Forum für Literatur B 0167-2185
Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturgeschichte A 0012-0936
Diacrítica C 0870-8967
Diacritics A 0300-7162
Dickens Quarterly B 0742-5473
Dickensian B 0012-2440
Diderot Studies A 0070-4806
Differences A UN
Discours social: analyse du discours et sociocritique des textes B 0842-1420
Divadelní revue C 0862-5409
Dix-huitième siècle (Revue Dix-huitième siècle) A 0070-6760
Documenta. Tijdschrift voor theater B 0771-8640
Dogu Bati C 1303-7242
Drama Review A 1054-2043
Duitse kroniek: orgaan voor culturele betrekkingen met Duitsland C 1380-6602
Dwned C 1361-360X

Early American Literature B 0012-8163
Early Modern Literary Studies B 1201-2459
Early Theatre B 1206-9078
Ecloga (Strathclyde) B 1473-2769
Edad de Oro A 0212-0429
Edda B 0013-0818
Eighteenth Century Life A 1086-3192
Eighteenth Century, Lubbock B 0193-5380
Eighteenth-Century Fiction A 0840-6286
Eighteenth-Century Ireland / Éire san Ochtú Céad Déag A 0790-7915
Eighteenth-Century Studies A 0013-2586
Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation A 0193-5380
Éire / Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies A 0013-2683
ELH-English Literary History A 0013-8304
Elseneur C 0758-3478
Emblematica B 0885-968X
Emily Dickinson Journal B 1096-858X
English Literary Renaissance A 0013-8312
English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 B 0013-8339
English Manuscript Studies: 1100-1700 A 0957-8080
English Studies in Africa B 0013-8398
Esperienze letterarie: rivista trimestrale di critica e di cultura C 0392-3495
Esprit créateur A 0014-0767
ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance B 0093-8297
Essays in Criticism A 0014-0856
Essays in Literature C 0360-7062
Essays in Poetics B 0308-888X
Essays on Canadian Writing B 0316-0300
Etcetera C 0774-2738
Etudes anglaises A 0014-195X
Etudes celtique A 0373-1928
Études françaises B 0014-2085
Etudes francophones B 1093-9334
Études germaniques B 0014-2115
Etudes irlandaises B 0183-973X
Etudes littéraires B 0014-214X
Etudes Théâtrales B 0778-8738
Eugene O'Neill Review C 1040-9483
Euphorion A 0014-2328
Europa Orientalis A 0392-4580
European English messenger B 0960-4545
European Journal of American Culture B 1466-0407
European Journal of English Studies B 1382-5577
European Joyce Studies A 0923-9855
European Medieval Drama A 1378-2274
European Romantic Review A 1740-4657
Exemplaria classica (Formerly: Exemplaria. Revista Int. de Literat. Comparada
1138-1922) C 1699-3225
Expressions maghrébines A 1540-0085
Extrapolation B 0014-5483

Faulkner Journal B 0884-2949
Fifteenth-Century Studies A 0164-0933
Figurationen: Gender - Literatur - Kultur B 1439-4367
Filología B 0071-495X
Filologia antica e moderna C 1123-4059
Filologia e critica C 0391-2493
Filológiai Közlöny C 0015-1785
Filologičeskie nauki (Moskva, Ministerstvo obrazovanija RF). B 1024-1817
Florilegium B 0709-5201
Folia translatologica C ISBN
Folio. Tijdschrift van het Shakespeare genootschap van Nederland en
Vlaanderen C 1381-205X
Formules. Revue des littératures à contraintes B 1275-7713
Forum Italicum B 0014-5858
Forum modernes Theater A 0930-5874
Francofonia – Studi e ricerche sulla lettera-tura di lingua Francese C 1121-953X
Francophone Postcolonial Studies B 1741-8283
French Forum B 0098-9355
French Studies A 0016-1128
Frühmittelalterliche Studien A 0071-9706

Gath C 1741-4512
Genesis. Revue internationale de critique génétique B 1167-5101
Genre A 0016-6928
George Eliot George Henry Lewes Newsletter B 0953-0754
George Herbert Journal B 0161-7435
German Quarterly A 0016-8831
Germanic Review (The) B 1930-6962
Germanistik B 0524-8418
Germanoslavica – Zeitschrift für slawische Studien B 1210-9029
Gezelliana B 0776-4111
Giornale storico della letteratura italiana B 0017-0496
Gothic Studies B 1362-7938
Gramma: Journal of Criticism C 1106-1170
Grenzgänge. Beiträge zu einer modernen Romanistik B 0944-8594
Groene Amsterdammer (De) (formerly: Literatuur. Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift
over Nederlandse letteren. Utrecht: HES.) C 1871-7837
Gulden Passer (De) B 0777-5067

Hamburger Beiträge zur Germanistik C 0930-0023
Handelingen der Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en
Letterkunde en Geschiedenis B 0774-3254
Helikon C 0017-999X
Hemingway Review B 0276-3362
Henry James Review A 0273-0340
Hispanic Research Journal B 1468-2737
Hispanic Review A 0018-2176
Histoires littéraires B 1623-5843
Hollands Maandblad C 0018-3601
Hopkins Quarterly B 0094-9086
Horisont C 0439-5530
Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies C 1218-7364
Hungarian Studies B 1588-2772
Huntington Library Quarterly A 0018-7895

Iberoamericana C 1577-3388
In-between: Essays and Studies in Literary Criticism C 0971-9474
Incontri: rivista europea di studi italiani C 0169-3379
Independent Shavian (The): The Journal of the Shaw Society C 0037-3346
Indische letteren C 0920-6949
Infini: littérature, philosophie, art, science, politique C 0754-023X
Inis C 1649-2412
Interlitteraria B 1406-0701
Intermédialités B 1705-8546
International Fiction Review B 0315-4149
International Journal of Francophone Studies B 1368-2679
International Journal of Iberian Studies C 1364-971X
Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur A 0340-4528
Interpres: rivista di studi quattrocenteschi C 0392-0224
Intersezioni B 0393-2451
Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies B 1369-801X
Inti A 0732-6750
Irish Journal of French Studies B 1649-1335
Irish Review (The) B 0790-7850
Irish University Review B 0021-1427
Irish-German Studies C 1860-6083
Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények C 0021-1486
Italia medioevale e umanistica B 0391-7495
Italian Quarterly B 0021-2954
Italian Studies A 0075-1634
Italianist C 0261-4340
Italianistica: rivista di letteratura italiana A 0391-3368
Italica B 0021-3020
Italique: poesie italienne de la renaissance B 1423-3983

Jaarboek van de maatschappij der Nederlandse letterkunde te Leiden B 0921-4895
Jaarboek van het Felix Timmermans-genootschap C 0770-9145
Jaarboek van het stijn Streuvelgenootschap B UN
Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis B 1381-0065
James Joyce Literary Supplement B 0899-3114
James Joyce Quarterly A 0021-4183
Jelenkor C 0447-6425
John Clare Society Journal B 1356-7128
Jón á Bægisá C 1024-0454
Journal for Dramatic Theory and Criticism B 0888-3203
Journal of American Drama and Theatre B 1044-937X
Journal of American Studies A 0021-8758
Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies C 1560-2168
Journal of Beckett Studies B 0309-5207
Journal of Caribbean Studies C 0190-2008
Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies A 1073-1687
Journal of Commonwealth Literature A 0021-9894
Journal of Hispanic Philology C 0147-5460
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies B 1470-1847
Journal of Latin American studies B 0022-216X
Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies (The) (formerly: Latino Studies Journal) B 1549-9502
Journal of Literary Studies /Tydskrif vir Literatuurwetenskap B 0256-4718
Journal of Medieval and Early modern studies B 1082-9636
Journal of Modern Italian Studies A 1354-571X
Journal of Modern Literature C 0022-281X
Journal of Narrative Theory C 1549-0815
Journal of Narrative Theory (formerly: Journal of Narrative Technique 0022-
2925) B 1548-9248
Journal of Neo-latin Language and Literature B 1438-213X
Journal of Postcolonial Writing B 1744-9855
Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies B 1060-149X
Journal of Romance Studies B 1473-3536
Journal of the Early Book Society A 1525-6790
Journal of the History of Ideas A 0022-5037
Journal of Victorian Culture B 1355-5502
Journal of William Morris Studies (The) C 0084-0254

K & K (formerly Kultur og klasse) C 0905-6998
Kambos Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek C 1356-5109
Kanava C 0355-0303
Keats-Shelley Journal B 0453-4387
Keats-Shelley Review C 0952-4142
Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung B 1613-477X
Knihy a dějiny C 1210-8510
Knjizevnost i Jezik C 0454-0689
Komparatistik A 1432-5306
Kortárs C 1418-1592
Kritik B 0454-5354
Kritisch Lexicon van de Moderne Nederlandstalige literatuur B ISBN
Kulttuurintutkimus C 0781-5751
Kulttuurivihkot C 0356-3367
KulturPoetik Zeitschrift für kulturgeschichtliche Literaturwissenschaft A 1616-1203
Kunapipi B 0106-5734

Latin American Indian Literatures Journal B 0888-5613
Latin American Literary Review B 0047-4134
Latin American Theatre Review B 0023-8813
Leeds Studies in English B 0075-8566
Lesbók Morgunblaðsins C 1670-3898
Letopis Matice Srpske C 0025-5939
Letras de Deusto C 0210-3516
Letras Peninsulares B 0897-7542
Letteratura e arte C 1724-613X
Letteratura italiana antica B 1724-0492
Letterature d'America C 1125-1743
Lettere italiane A 0024-1334
Lettre de Zuylen et du Pontet: bulletin van het Genootschap Belle de Zuylen C 0920-9468
Lettres romanes (Les) A 0024-1415
Leuvense bijdragen: Tijdschrift voor germaanse filologie B 1783-1598
Lexicon van literaire werken B ISBN
Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society A 0024-2160
Licorne (La) C 0398-9992
LIT: literature, interpretation, theory B 1043-6928
Literary Research B 1707-0228
Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary
Studies B 0258-2279
Literatur für Leser C 0343-1657
Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht C 0024-4643
Literatur und Kritik B 0024-466X
Literatüra C 0258-0802
Literature and History A 0306-1973
Literature and Medicine B 0278-9671
Literature and Theology: an International Journal of Theory and Criticism B 0269-1205
Literaturna misâl C 0324-0495
Litteraria Pragensia. Studies in Literature and Culture B 0862-8424
Littérature A 0047-4800
Littératures classiques A 0992-5279
Llên Cymru B 0076-0188
Long Room (Dublin) C 0024-631X
Luso-Brazilian Review B 0024-7413
Lusorama: Revista de Estudos Sobre os Países de Língua Portuguesa C 0931-9484

Madoc: tijdschrift voor mediëvistiek B 0922-369X
Maghreb Littéraire (Le). Revue canadienne de littérature magrébine C 1205-6197
Manuskripte B 0025-2638
Marche romane B 0542-6669
Maske und Kothurn B 0025-4606
Matatu B 0932-9714
Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse genootschap B 0772-1455
Medieval & Renaissance Studies A 0584-4150
Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England B 0731-3403
Medieval English Theatre B 0143-3784
Médiévales: langue, textes, histoire B 0751-2708
Medievalia et Humanistica A 0076-6127
Medioevo e Rinascimento C 0394-7858
Medium aevum A 0025-8385
Melus B 0163-755X
Memórias de Academia das Ciências de lisboa. Classe de letras. C 0378-116X B 1618-2006
Millennium: tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies B 1782-3404
Milton Quarterly B 0026-4326
Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies C 1137-6368
MLN (Modern language notes) A 0026-7910
MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly: a Journal of Literary History A 0026-7929
Modern Austrian Literature B 0026-7503
Modern Drama A 0026-7694
Modern Fiction Studies A 0026-7724
Modern Italy C 1469-9877
Modern Language Review A 0026-7937
Modern Language Studies B 0047-7729
Modern Philology: a Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern
Literature A 0026-8232
Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht, deutsche Sprache und Literatur C 0026-9271
Monatshefte für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur C 0026-9271
Moyen Âge (Le): revue d'histoire et de philologie A 0027-2841
Moyen français (Le): revue d'etudes linguistiques et litteraires A 0226-0174
Multitudes B 0292-0107
Musil-Forum. Beiträge zur Literatur der klassischen Moderne B 1016-1333

Nachbarsprache Niederländisch C 0936-5761
Narrative C 1063-3685
Nederlandse letterkunde A 1384-5829
Neerlandica extra muros B 0047-9276
Negentiende eeuw (De) A 1381-8546
Neohelicon B 0324-4652
Neue Romania B 0177-7750
New Comparison: a Journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies A 0950-5814
New England Review Middlebury Series B 1053-1297
New England Theatre Journal B 1050-9720
New German Critique A 0094-033X
New Hibernia Review B 1092-3977
New Literary History A 0028-6087
New Theatre Quarterly A 0266-464X
Nexus C 1616-7422
Nieuw Letterkundig Magazijn C 0922-1344
Nineteenth Century French Studies B 0146-7891
Nineteenth Century Prose B 1052-0406
Nineteenth Century Theatre B 0893-3766
Nineteenth-Century Literature A 0891-9356
Nineteenth-Century Studies B 1056-425X
Nordic Irish Studies B 1602-124X
Nordic Theatre Studies B 0904-6380
Nordica C 0109-3967
Nordicum B 1236-3839
North American Review C 0029-2397
Nottingham French Studies B 0029-4586
Nottingham Mediaeval Studies B 0078-2122
Nova prisutnost C 1334-2312
Novel: a forum on fiction A 0029-5132
Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie A 0869-6365
Novyj zhurnal B 0029-5337
Nuevo Texto Crítico B 1048-6380
Nuori Voima C 0785-6776
Nuova antologia C 0029-6147
Nuova corrente: rivista trimestrale di letteratura C 0029-6155
Nuovi argomenti C 0029-6295
Ny Poetik. Tidskrift for litteraturvidenskap C 0908-1410
Nya Argus C 0027-7126
Nytt om Runer B 0801-3756

Obsidian III: Literature in the African Diaspora B 1542-1619
Ons Erfdeel B 0030-2651
Ons geestelijk erf A 0774-2827
Orbis Litterarum A 0105-7510
Orbis Tertius B 0328-8188
Ord och Bild C 0030-4492
Otto-Novecento C 0391-2639
Over Multatuli B 0166-2058
Oxford German Studies B 0078-7191
Oxford Literary Review A 0305-1498

Paideuma B 0090-5674
Palaeobulgarica - Starobâlgaristika C 0204-4021
Palaeoslavica B 1070-5465
Pamiętnik Literacki C 0031-0514
Pamiętnik Teatralny C 0031-0522
Papers of Surrealism B 1750-1954
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America A 0006-128X
Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature A 0343-0758
Papers on Joyce C 1135-0504
Papers on Language and Literature B 0031-1294
Paragone: letteratura C 1120-4745
Paragraph: a Journal of Modern Critical Theory A 0264-8334
Parallax: a Journal of Metadiscursive Theory and Cultural Practices A 1353-4645
Parelduiker (De) B 1384-6280
Parergon B 0313-6221
Parmentier C 0924-1779
Parnasso C 0031-2320
Parola del testo (La) B 1125-6486
Partial Answers B 1565-3668
Passage: Tidskrift for litteratur og kritik B 0901-8883
Per leggere C 1593-4861
Perspectives médiévales C 0338-2338
Peterburgskij teatral'nyj zhurnal B 0869-8198
Philological Quarterly: a Journal Devoted to Scholarly Investigation in the
Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures A 0031-7977
Philosophy and Literature A 0190-0013
Phrasis B 0081-6442
PMLA: Papers of the Modern Language Association of America A 0030-8129
Poe Studies / Dark Romanticism B 1543-1789
Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft A 0303-4178
Poetiche: letteratura e altro B 1124-9080
Poetics A 0304-422X
Poetics today A 0333-5372
Poétique A 0032-2024
Polish Review B 0032-2970
Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies C 1521-804X
Portuguese Studies B 0267-5315
Postcolonial Studies B 1368-8790
Post-Colonial Text B 1705-9100
Precursors and Aftermaths: Literatures in English, 1914-1945 C 1542-8109
Présence francophone B 0048-5195
Primerjalna književnost B 0351-1189
Problemi di critica goldoniana C 1127-2570
Proceedings of the British Academy A 0068-1202
Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History B 0272-9601
Prose Studies A 1743-9426
Protée: Théories et pratiques sémiotiques B 0300-3523
Przegląd Polonijny C 0137-303X
Pynchon Notes B 0278-1891

Quaderni del Novecento C 1724-1898
Quaderni dell'Istituto nazionale di studi sul Rinascimento meridionale C ISBN
Quaderni Ibero Americani C 0033-4960
Quaderni petrarcheschi A 1120-2467
Quaderns d'Italià C 1135-9730
Quaerendo A 0014-9527
Queeste. Journal of medieval literature in the Low Countries A 0929-8592
Qui Parle: Literature, Philosophy, Visual Arts, History B 1041-8385

Rassegna della letteratura italiana B 0033-9423
Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana B 1122-5580
Reading Medieval Studies B 0950-3129
Recherches Anglaises et Nord-Américains B 0557-6985
Recherches Germaniques A 0399-1989
Recherches Sémiotiques – Semiotic Inquiry B 0229-8651
Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'encyclopédie A 0769-0886
Reinardus B 0925-4757
Renaissance Drama A 0486-3739
Renaissance Forum. An electronic journal of early modern literary and historical
studies C 1362-1149
Renaissance Quarterly A 0034-4338
Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature B 0034-4346
Representations A 0734-6018
Research in African Literatures A 0034-5210
Research in Drama Education B 1470-112X
Resources for American Literary Study B 0048-7384
Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 B 0162-9905
Review: Latin American Literature and Arts C 0890-5762
Revista Brasileira de literature comparada B 0103-6963
Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos A 0384-8167
Revista Chilena de Literatura B 0048-7651
Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Línguas e literaturas C 0871-1682
Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana B 0252-8843
Revista de Literatura B 0034-849X
Revista de Literatura medieval A 1130-3611
Revista de Occidente B 0034-8635
Revista de Poética Medieval C 1137-8905
Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe C 00924-0608
Revista Iberoamericana B 0034-9631
Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France A 0035-2411
Revue de littérature comparée A 0035-1466
Revue des lettres et de traduction B 1992-2116
Revue des lettres modernes (La) B 0761-3571
Revue des sciences humaines A 0035-2195
Revue d'histoire du théatre B 1291-2530
Revue française d'etudes américaines C 1776-3061
Revue française d'histoire du livre B 0037-9212
Rhetorica Scandinavica C 1397-0534
Rhetorica: a Journal of the History of Rhetoric B 1533-8544
Rinascimento A 0080-3073
Río de la Plata (CELCIRP) C 0982-0582
Ritið B 1670-0139
Rivista di letteratura italiana B 1724-0638
Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate C 0391-2108
Rivista di Studi Ungheresi C 1125-520X
Rivista pascoliana C 1120-8856
Rocambole (Le) (Revue des amis du roman populaire) B 1253-5885
Roman 20-50. Revue d'étude du roman du 20 siècle B 0295-5024
Romance Notes B 0035-7995
Romance Quarterly (formerly: Kentucky Romance Quarterly 0364-8664) B 0883-1157
Romance Studies C 0263-9904
Romanic Review A 0035-8118
Românica, revista de literatura B 0872-5675
Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte / Cahiers d'histoire des
littératures romanes B 0343-379X
Romantic Texutalities (formerly: Romantic Textualities) B 1748-0116
Romanticism A 1354-991X
Romanticism on the Net A 1467-1255
Romantisme A 0048-8593
RORD (Research Opportunities in Medieval and Renessaince Drama) B 0098-647X
Ruch Literacki C 0035-9602
Runa C 0870-0672
Russian Literature A 0304-3479
Russian Review (The) B 0036-0341
Russian Studies in Literature B 1061-1975
Russkaja literatura B 0131-6095
Ruumiin kulttuuri C 0781-7452

Salmagundi: a Quarterly of the Humanities and Social Sciences A 0036-3529
Samlaren B 0348-6133
Samuel Beckett Today/ Aujourd'hui A 0927-3131
Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies B 1077-5943
Scandinavian Studies B 0036-5637
Scandinavica B 0036-5653
Science Fiction Studies B 0091-7729
Scientia Poetica B 1431-5041
Scottish Gaelic Studies A 0080-8024
Scottish Studies Review B 1745-3186
Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats B 0190-731X
Seizième siècle (Formerly: Nouvelle revue du XVIe siècle) (Formerly: La
Nouvelle revue du seizième siècle see Nouvelle revue du seizième siècle ) A 1774-4466
SELIM C 1132-631X
Semiotexte A 0093-9579
Septentrion B 0771-8934
Seventeenth Century B 0268-117X
Seventeenth Century French Studies B 0265-1068
Sewanee Review (The) B 0037-3052
Shakespeare A 1745-0918
Shakespeare Bulletin B 0748-2558
Shakespeare Quarterly A 0037-3222
Shakespeare Studies A 0582-9399
Shakespeare Survey A 0080-9152
Shandean B 0956-3083
Shenandoah B 0037-3583
Sidney Circle Journal B 1480-0926
Signs A 0097-9740
Simpliciana: Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft B 0259-6415
Sincronie: rivista semestrale di letterature, teatro e sistemi di pensiero B 1127-2619
Sinn und Form A 0037-5766
Sionnach (An) B 1554-8953
Sixteenth Century Journal A 0361-0160
Skandinavistik B 0342-8427
Skírnir B 0256-8446
Slavic Almanac. The South African Journal for Slavic, Central and Eastern
European Studies B 1025-3386
Slavic and East European Journal A 0037-6752
Slavic Review B 0037-6779
Slavica C 0583-5356
Slavica Gandensia B 0771-1395
Slavistična revija. Časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede C 0350-6894
Slovak Review C 1335-0544
Slovenská literatúra C 0037-6973
Slovenské Divadlo C 0037-699X
Slovo C 0583-6255
Sociocriticism B 0985-5939
Són C 1670-3723
Southern Literary Journal B 0038-4291
Speculum A 0038-7134
Speech and Drama C 0038-7142
SPELL: Swiss papers in English language and literature C 0940-0478
Spenser Studies A 0195-9468
Spiegel der letteren A 0038-7479
SPIEL: Siegener Periodicum zur internationalen empirischen
Literaturwissenschaft C 0722-7833
Sprachkunst: Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft B 0038-8483
Spring: Tidskrift for moderne dansk litteratur C 0906-9976
SSL: Studies in Scottish Literature B 0039-3770
Streven C 0039-2324
Strumenti critici: rivista quadrimestrale di cultura e critica letteraria A 0039-2618
Studi danteschi A 0391-7835
Studi e problemi di critica testuale B 0049-2361
Studi francesi A 0039-2944
Studi Leopardiani: quaderni di filologia e critica Leopardiana C 1720-5778
Studi novecenteschi: rivista semestrale di storia della letteratura italiana
contemporanea B 0303-4615
Studi petrarcheschi A 1128-2045
Studi secenteschi A 0081-6248
Studi settecenteschi C 0392-7326
Studi tassiani B 0081-6256
Studia Celtica A 0081-6353
Studia Celtica Upsaliensis C 1104-5515
Studia Islandica B 0258-3828
Studia Litteraria C 0562-2867
Studia Norwidiana C 0860-0562
Studia Russica C 0139-0287
Studia Slavica Finlandensia B 0781-3333
Studia Slavica Litteraria C 1212-1509
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Studia Europaea C 1224-8746
Studies in 20th and 21th Century (formerly: Studies in Twentieth-Century
Literature) B 1555-7839
Studies in American Fiction B 0091-8083
Studies in American Jewish Literature B 0271-9274
Studies in Canadian Literature A 0380-6995
Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture A 0360-2370
Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 B 0039-3657
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture C 0730-9139
Studies in Philology A 0039-3738
Studies in Romanticism A 0039-3762
Studies in Short Fiction B 0039-3789
Studies in the Age of Chaucer A 0190-2407
Studies in the Literary Imagination A 0039-3819
Studies in Travel Writing A 1364-5145
Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century A 0435-2866
Sub-Stance A 0049-2426
Svantevit C 0106-5378
Svět literatury (Problems of literature) C 0862-8440
Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations B 1362-7902
Symposium: a Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures B 0039-7709
Synthesis C 0256-7245

Teksty Drugie B 0867-0633
Tenzone B 1576-9216
Testo: studi di teoria della letteratura e della critica B 1123-4660
Texas Studies in Literature and Language B 0040-4691
Text & Performance Quarterly B 1046-2937
Text und Kontext B 0105-7014
Text und Kritik B 0040-5329
Text: Kritische Beiträge B 1420-1496
Texte: revue de critique et de théorie littéraire B 0715-8920
Text-Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse C 0165-4888
Textual Practice A 0950-236X
Textyles – Revue des Lettres Belges de Langue Française C 0776-0116
Thalia: Studies in Literary Humor B 0706-5604
Theater B 1527-196X
Theatre Forum B 1060-5320
Theatre Journal A 0192-2882
Theatre Notebook B 0040-5523
Theatre Research in Canada B 1196-1198
Theatre Research International A 0307-8833
Theatre Survey B 0040-5574
Thesaurus. Boletín del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá B 0040-604X
Third Text B 0952-8822
Thomas Hardy Journal B 0268-5418
Thomas Wolfe Review B 0276-5683
Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap B 1104-0556
Timarit Máls og Menningar C 1670-4916
Tiszatáj C 0133-1167
TMG Tijdschrift voor mediageschiedenis B 1387-649X
TN&A: Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans B 1022-6966
Torre (La), San Juan de Puerto Rico B 0040-9588
Traditio B 0362-1529
Trakl-Studien A 0496-0661
Trans: Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften B 1560-182X
Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society A 0068-6611
Translatio B 1027-8087
Translation and Literature B 0968-1361
Travaux de l'Institut interuniversitaire pour l'étude de la Renaissance et de
l'Humanisme B 0775-3373
Travaux de littérature A 0995-6794
TriQuarterly B 0041-3097
Tropelías C 1132-2373
Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoj literatury A 0130-464X
TS. Tijdschrift voor tijdschriftstudies B 1386-5870
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature A 0732-7730
Türk kültürü Dergisi C 1300-3372
Türkoloji C 0255-2981
Twentieth Century Literature B 0041-462X
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe B 0041-4751
Tydskrif vir letterkunde B 0041-476X

Új Forrás C 0133-5332
Új Symposion C 0503-0935
Us Wurk, tydskrift foar frisistyk C 0042-1235

Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship C 1573-3084
Veltro (II) B 0042-3254
Versants: revue suisse des littiératures romanes B 0256-9604
Verslagen en mededelingen van de Koninklijke academie voor Nederlandse taal-
en letterkunde A 0770-786X
Vértice C 0042-4447
Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies B 0083-5897
Victorian Literature and Culture A 1060-1503
Victorian Periodicals Review B 0709-4698
Victorian Poetry B 0042-5206
Victorian Review B 0848-1512
Victorian Studies A 0042-5222
Victorians Institute Journal B 0886-3865
Viking and Medieval Scandinavia B 1782-7183
Voix & Images: Littérature Québécoise B 0318-9201
Voortgang: jaarboek voor de Neerlandistiek C 0922-7865
Vooys. C 0921-3961
Voprosy Literatury A 0042-8795

Wallace Stevens Journal, The A 0148-7132
Wasafiri: Journal of Caribbean, African, Asian and Associated Literatures and
Film C 0269-0055
Weimarer Beiträge A 0043-2199
Wellsian (The) C 0263-1776
Western American Literature C 0043-3462
Western Humanities Review B 0043-3845
Wiek Oświecenia C 0137-6942
Wiener slawistischer Almanach B 0258-6819
Wildean: a Journal of Wilde Studies C 1357-4949
Wirkendes Wort B 0935-879X
Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten B 0340-6318
Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungen B 0342-4340
Women ́s Writing C 0969-9082
Word and Image: a Journal of Verbal-Visual Enquiry A 0266-6286
Wordsworth Circle A 0043-8006
World literature today A 0196-3570

XVIIe siècle A 0012-4273

Yale French Studies A 0044-0078
Yale Journal of Criticism A 0893-5378
Yale University Library Gazette A 0044-0175
Youth Theatre Journal C 0892-9092

Zacht lawijd B 1377-5294
Zagadnienia rodzajów literackich C 0084-4446
Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur B 0044-2518
Zeitschrift für Germanistik B 0323-7982
Zeitschrift für Katalanistik B 0932-2221
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie B 0049-8661
Zettelkasten C 0176-7887
Zeventiende eeuw (De). Cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief A 0921-142X