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C. Emerson, M. Longtin, A. P. Tudor (dir.), Performance, Drama and Spectacle in the Medieval City

C. Emerson, M. Longtin, A. P. Tudor (dir.), Performance, Drama and Spectacle in the Medieval City

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Mario Longtin)

Performance, Drama and Spectacle in the Medieval City. Essays in Honour of Alan Hindley

edited by Catherine Emerson, Mario Longtin and Adrian P. Tudor

Louvain: Peeters, coll. "Synthema" n° 8, 2010

  • ISBN: 978-90-429-2210-5
  • 76€

Présentation de l'éditeur:

The growth of urban life in the Middle Ages led to a flourishing ofperformance, drama and spectacle as we understand them today. Here ispresented, for the first time, a collection of commissioned essayswhose goal is to bring together a broad variety of interdisciplinary,innovative 'snapshots' from different geographical locations, timeframes, traditions and scholarly fields. Contributors to Performance, Drama, Spectacle and the Medieval Cityare scholars of international prominence. Through their diverseinterests, but single focus, the fundamental mobility of medievalculture is acknowledged. The collective aim in honouring Alan Hindleyand his ongoing work is to produce a set of variations which offerdiversity yet coherence. Performance and spectacle played a centralrole not only in the realm of urban entertainment, but also adoptedenormously important civic and religious functions. The cities in themedieval west were both a hotbed of cultural manifestations, andelemental in the development of drama. In its refusal to acceptsubjective boundaries and its broad assumption that drama takes manyforms, it is hoped that Performance, Drama, Spectacle and the Medieval Citywill find favour with its dedicatee, and imitate his wisdom andopenness by enabling dialogue between traditions, critical approaches,and moments in time.

What better place to address the multiple worlds of drama, spectacle and performance in the Western European Middle Ages than the city? From farces and sotties to Corpus Domini and Saints' plays, via aspects of staging and the
relationships between authorship and reception, this volume weaves a link through an impressive body of themes, motifs and more practical issues by means of always having at its centre the common subject of the medieval city.
Contributors from three continents collectively provide a broad, contemporary and authoritative snapshot of the intimate (and often misunderstood) relationship between urban life and the various spectacles taking place within and beyond the city walls.

Quel lieu est plus propice que la ville pour aborder les thèmes et les motifs de toutes sortes associés au monde du jeu et du spectacle au Moyen Âge ?
La ville permet de s'attarder, entre autres choses, à la pratique du théâtre, à sa mise en espace et à son inscription dans le monde socioculturel du Moyen Âge occidental.
Sous la plume des chercheurs rassemblés ici l'événement spectaculaire se dévoile dans sa diversité: farces, sotties, moralités, dramatisations de la matière biblique, Mystères hagiographiques, etc. Des médiévistes en provenance de trois continents, et travaillant chacun à une aire géographique spécifique, jettent un regard neuf et informé sur la
relation de proximité souvent méconnue qui existe entre vie urbaine et spectacle, et cela tant à l'intérieur des murs que hors de l'enceinte de la cité.

Contributors include / Ont contribué à cet ouvrage : Alan Knight, Bob Clark,Bruno Roy, Catherine Emerson, Cynthia J. Brown, Denis Hüe, Eckehard, Simon, Elaine Block, Elsa Strietman, Estelle Doudet, Olga Anna Dühl, Jacques Merceron, Jane Tolmie, Jelle Koopmans, Katel Lavéant, Konrad Schoell, Lenke Kovács & Francesc Massip, Marie Bouhaïk-Gironès, Mario Longtin, Nerida Newbigin, Pamela King, Pascale Dumont, Pauline Smith, Peter Happé, Philip Crispin, Véronique Dominguez, Vicki Hamblin, Adrian P. Tudor, and Wim Hüsken

Sommaire :

List of Illustrations


Alan Hindley: Bibliography and Research

Performance, Drama, Spectacle and the Medieval City

(Catherine Emerson, Adrian P. Tudor, Mario Longtin)

Town and Country, City and Spectacle

Un sujet du théâtre médiéval: les dangers du séjour en ville

(Konrad Schoell)

L'Étrange parole du vilain ou Rusticus dans le théâtre religieux français de la fin du Moyen Âge

(Jacques E. Merceron)

La Sottie lyonnaise 1560–1610

(Jelle Koopmans)

Performance and Place: Mystery Play Performances in Fifteenth-Century Orléans and Seurre

(Vicki Hamblin)

Imposing Presence: The Celebration of Corpus Domini in Fifteenth-Century Florence

(Nerida Newbigin)

The Rise of Political Theatre in Swiss Cities

(Eckehard Simon)

Performing on the Urban Stage

Le Théâtre à l'auberge: Jouer en hôtellerie et ‘en chambre' dans les villes du Nord aux XVe et XVIe siècles

(Katell Lavéant)

The Bridge at Montereau: Assassination as Urban Spectacle

(Catherine Emerson)

Les Scènes de la Grande Rhétorique, cohérence et paradoxes d'une pratique théâtrale

(Estelle Doudet)

Staging Les Mystères Rouergats: Text and Performance

(Peter Happé)

D'où viennent et où vont les personnages dans le théâtre français des XIIIe et XIVe siècles?

(Pascale Dumont)

Re-writing the Religious

Lament and Elegy in the Mystery Cycles: Englishing the Planctus Mariae

(Pamela King)

Public Scandal and Private Pain: Joseph's Quite Reasonable Doubts about Mary (Jane Tolmie)

The Late Medieval Catalan Play of St Agatha: Introduction, Text and Translation

(Lenke Kovács and Francesc Massip)

La Campagne à la ville: bergers et animaux à Rouen, 1474

(Denis Hüe)

Profane Wretches and Holy Fools: Sottie's Unsettling Devotion to Christ's Natural Law

(Philip Crispin)

Spectacular Performance: Robert Lawet's De verlooren Zoone

(Elsa Strietman)

The Lille Morality Play of the Assumption

(Alan E. Knight)

Recording, Adapting, Preserving

Qu'est-ce qu'un texte de théâtre médiéval? Réflexions autour du Jeu de Pierre de La Broce (XIIIe siècle)

(Marie Bouhaïk-Gironès)

Le Boeuf en scène, ou comment on perd l'alléluia au cul du boeuf

(Bruno Roy)

Le Texte dans le drame: enjeux de l'écriture dans la sottie

(Olga Anna Duhl)

Pierre Gringore's Complainte de Trop Tard Marié: Textual and Editorial Performances

(Cynthia Brown)

Host Desecration in Medieval and Early Modern Paris and the Politics of Persecution (1274-1553)

(Robert L.A. Clark)

Drama, Performance and Spectacle in the Medieval City: Some Survivals in the Satyre Ménippée (1594)

(Pauline M. Smith)

Gustave Cohen et les Théophiliens d'après-guerre: l'Aucassin et Nicolette de René Clermont (1947–55)

(Véronique Dominguez)

Aydez moi a sortir dehors! Capturing Farce on Screen

(Adrian P. Tudor)