Questions de société
Bologna keeps on Burning in Madrid (màj 10/04/10)

Bologna keeps on Burning in Madrid (màj 10/04/10)

Publié le par Bérenger Boulay

[ Agenda militant ] [ Mouvement international contre la marchandisation du savoir ]

Messages de Madrid BolognaBurns (

Saturday 10th April - Bologna keeps on burning in Madrid

Today in the morning activists in the counter summit Bologna keeps on burning in Madrid made an expropriation of Books in a shop owned by a strong media-publishing corporation. They wanted to make an action for free culture and against market rules. Around 40 activists came in the shop while others stood on the streets reading the press release anouncing the expropriation. they came out of the shops with books which will be take cared of and will have a destination in the following days:

Images and chronicle in spanish:

In the faculty, more students came from different places and now there are people from Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Austria, Catalonia and other cities in the spanish state. There they participated in workshops about gender, free software and social universities.

Right now the general assembly is taking place.
See you in the streets,

La lucha es el único camino!



8th April 2010: Bologna Keeps on Burning in Madrid NOW

Today has started the European Union's Ministerial CounterSummit in Madrid. Students from Madrid, the spanish State and Europe will meet in the faculty of Philosophy ? Universidad Complutense to hold workshops, make actions in the city and prepare the demo in the 12th April. Each day there will be an action of civil disobedience done by activists in the countersummit. In the morning has been made an action in Madrid city centre, with the end of making visible the start of our countersummit, which has been achieved without any activist getting arrested.

In the afternoon students have occupied the Universidad Complutense's Faculty of Philosophy building. They have taken diverse spaces like rooms or the hall to hold workshops and assemblies. At about 8pm the Paraninfo (historical conference room) has been occupied and an occupation assembly has been made.

Tonight, there are different assemblies to prepare actions or organize the spaces occupied. Students will sleep inside the building, and tomorrow we will make the actions prepared, the first one early in the morning. We are looking forward for the rest of the activists who have to come to Madrid in the next days and to make bologna burn again here.

See you in the streets,

La lucha es el único camino!

Bologna Burns Madrid.
April 2010.

More info about today's action:

Page Fabula associée: Call For Madrid Education Counter-Summit