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A. Rigaud et Fr. Palleau-Papin (dir.), An Introduction to Anglophone Theatre

A. Rigaud et Fr. Palleau-Papin (dir.), An Introduction to Anglophone Theatre

Publié le par Nicolas Geneix

Antonia Rigaud et Françoise Palleau-Papin (dir.), An Introduction to Anglophone Theatre

Presses Universitaires de Rennes, coll. "Univers anglophone / Didact Anglais", 2015.

278 p.

EAN 9782753536081

17,00 EUR

Présentation de l'éditeur :

Spanning four centuries, An Introduction to Anglophone Theatre brings together key notions and texts to accompany students in their exploration of both theatre and Anglophone culture. The book considers this theatrical tradition from the perspectives of the text, the stage and the audience in order to bring out the total experience of theatre. Through in-depth studies, close-ups and a glossary of key terms, the book is a guide to plays of historical importance, to the cultural forces that have shaped theatre and to the changes the stage has undergone.

Sommaire :

  • Genre: Tragedy and Comedy
  • Dramaturgy: Metadrama and Characters
  • The Stage: Staging and Performing

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