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A. Kelly, A Referential Commentary and Lexicon to Homer, Iliad VIII

A. Kelly, A Referential Commentary and Lexicon to Homer, Iliad VIII

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Adrian Kelly

A Referential Commentary and Lexicon to Homer, Iliad VIII

Oxford University Press

Series: Oxford Classical Monographs

ISBN-13: 978-0-19-920355-0

528 pages, 234x156 mm

Description de l'éditeur

This book aims to provide the reader of Homerwith the traditional knowledge and fluency in Homeric poetry which an originalancient audience would have brought to a performance of this type of narrative.To that end, Adrian Kelly presents the text of Iliad VIII next to an apparatusreferring to the traditional units being employed, and gives a briefdescription of their semantic impact. He describes the referential curve of thenarrative in a continuous commentary, tabulates all the traditional units in aseparate lexicon of Homeric structure, and examines critical decisionsconcerning the text in a discussion which employs the referential method as acritical criterion. Two small appendices deal with speech introductionformulae, and with the traditional function of Here and Athene in early Greekepic poetry.

Table des matières


1. Text and Referential Apparatus

2. Commentary

3. Lexicon

4. Textual Discussion


Adrian Kelly, Fulford Junior Research Fellow,St Anne's College, Oxford University