Événements & colloques
50th Anniversary of Cheikh Hamidou Kane's L'Aventure ambiguë

50th Anniversary of Cheikh Hamidou Kane's L'Aventure ambiguë

Publié le par Pierre-Louis Fort (Source : Brigham Young University French Department)

50th Anniversary of Cheikh Hamidou Kane's

L'Aventure ambiguë

Brigham YoungUniversity, Provo, Utah (USA)

March 17-19, 2011

2011will mark the 50th Anniversary of the publication of l'Aventure ambiguë (Ambiguous Adventure) by Cheikh Hamidou Kane. Various events are being planned in Senegaland around the world to celebrate this 50th Anniversary, and BrighamYoung University is honored to host a colloquium March 17-19. We are nowaccepting submissions in French or English. We invite proposals for papers exploringaspects of the following conference theme and subthemes:

L'Aventure ambiguë:

lumières et ombres

Ambiguous Adventure:

lights and shadows

• Lumière et ombre, raison et foi, dans l'Aventure ambiguë

• Ambiguïtés et certitudes dans l'Aventure ambiguë

• L'aventure ambiguë de l'Afrique: l'ambiguïté est-elle toujours d'actualité?

• Problématique de l'identité dans l'Aventure ambiguë et dans la littérature africaine moderne

• Mort et renaissance dans l'Aventure ambiguë

• Le choc des civilisations dans l'Aventure ambiguë.

• Théories de l'empire et du post-colonialisme: une relecture critique de l'Aventure ambiguë

• Light and shadow, reason and faith in Ambiguous Adventure

• Ambiguities and certainties in Ambiguous Adventure

• Africa's ambiguous adventure: is ambiguity still relevant?

• The issue of cultural identity in Ambiguous Adventure and in modern African literature

• Death and rebirth in Ambiguous Adventure

• The clash of civilizations in Ambiguous Adventure.

Ambiguous Adventure revisited through recent post-colonial theories

Proposals for individual papers or for panels (200 wordsmaximum) should be emailed to Chantal Thompson, Conference Organizer, byDecember 1, 2010, at the following address: Please include your name, professional affiliation,telephone number, and email address.