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French Studies, Vol. 69 Issue 2

French Studies, Vol. 69 Issue 2

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Alex Beaumont)

Référence bibliographique : French Studies, Oxford University Press (on behalf of the Society for French Studies), 2015.


*With apologies for cross posting*


French Studies ( has recently published Volume 69 Issue 2.

The full Table of Contents and links to all articles and reviews can be found at:


An Intemperate Map: Orientation and Disorientation in the Old French Fabliau ‘Les Trois Dames de Paris’
by Stefanie A. Goyette

Apology for the Abbé Mallet
by Reginald McGinnis

E. T. A. Hoffmann Revisited: the Nightmare of the Romantic Singer in Berlioz's Euphonia, ou, La ville musicale (1844)
by Julia Effertz

‘Ce qui est coupé repousse’: Jean Genet, Héléne Cixous, the Wound, and the Poetics of Omission
by Ian Thomas Fleishman

Derrida, Proust, and the Promise of Writing
by Jennifer Rushworth


États présent (available free online)

Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
by Simon Davies

Read all of French Studies’ états présents for free at:



French Studies carries an unparalleled range and number of book reviews. The books reviewed in Volume 69 Issue 2 are:

‘Amor’ sans ‘desonor’: une pragmatique pour Tristan et Yseut
Reviewed by Colette Van Coolput-Storms

Le Donei des amanz
Reviewed by Jade Bailey

Manual of Anglo-Norman
Reviewed by David Trotter

The Myth of Morgan la Fey
Reviewed by Yasmina Foehr-Janssens

The Refrain and the Rise of the Vernacular in Medieval French Music and Poetry
Reviewed by Yolanda Plumley

The Rose and Geryon: The Poetics of Fraud and Violence in Jean de Meun and Dante
Reviewed by Jonathan Morton

Sone de Nansay
Reviewed by Philip E. Bennett

Jean de Saintré: A Late Medieval Education in Love and Chivalry
Reviewed by Rosalind Brown-Grant

Œuvres complètes
Reviewed by Helen J. Swift

The Virtuoso Circle: Competition, Collaboration, and Complexity in Late Medieval French Poetry
Reviewed by Catherine Attwood

Francisque Michel: médiéviste, bibliomane romantique
Reviewed by R. Howard Bloch

Le Cardinal Jean Du Bellay: diplomatie et culture dans l'Europe de la Renaissance
Reviewed by Ingrid A. R. De Smet

Le Cinquiesme Tome des ‘Histoires tragiques’
Reviewed by Jane Conroy

La Librairie de Montaigne: Proceedings of the Tenth Cambridge French Renaissance Colloquium, 1–4 September 2008
Reviewed by Rowan Tomlinson

Hero or Tyrant? Henry III, King of France, 1574–89
Reviewed by Keith Cameron

Le Voyageur aux mille tours: les ruses de l'écriture du monde à la Renaissance
Reviewed by James Helgeson

Inventing the Spectator: Subjectivity and the Theatrical Experience in Early Modern France
Reviewed by Jan Clarke

Un athéisme philosophique à l'âge classique: le ‘Theophrastus redivivus’, 1659
Reviewed by Miguel Benitez

Literary Knowing in Neoclassical France: From Poetics to Aesthetics
Reviewed by John Philips

Des états dans l'état: les états de Languedoc de la Fronde à la Révolution
Reviewed by Mark Greengrass

Richardson and the Philosophes
Reviewed by Hina Nazar

Rameau's Nephew: A Multi-Media Edition
Reviewed by David Charlton

L'Affreuse doctrine: matérialisme et crise des mœurs au temps de Diderot
Reviewed by Charles Vincent

Histoire de ma vie, tome 1
Reviewed by Véronique Duché

Medicine and Narration in the Eighteenth Century
Reviewed by Monika Class

Penser l'Europe au XVIIIe siècle: commerce, civilisation, empire
Reviewed by Michael Sonenscher

Rumor, Diplomacy and War in Enlightenment Paris
Reviewed by Melissa A. Deininger

The French Revolution and the Birth of Electoral Democracy
Reviewed by Jeff Horn

Revolutionary Ideas: An Intellectual History of the French Revolution from the ‘Rights of Man’ to Robespierre
Reviewed by Colin Jones

Chateaubriand et les choses
Reviewed by Jean Balcou

Voyages et fantasmes de voyages à l'époque romantique
Reviewed by Aedín Ní Loingsigh

La Cuisine de l'œuvre au XIXe siècle: regards d'artistes et d'écrivains
Reviewed by Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson

Proust entre littérature et philosophie
L'Éclectisme philosophique de Marcel Proust

Reviewed by Hugues Azérad

French Women and the Empire: The Case of Indochina
Reviewed by Tess Do

Reading Claude Cahun's ‘Disavowals’
Reviewed by Elza Adamowicz

Georges Bataille: une quête érotique du sacré
Reviewed by Paul Earlie

L'Idéologie politique de Marguerite Yourcenar d'après son œuvre romanesque
Reviewed by Mireille Brémond

Albert Camus's ‘The New Mediterranean Culture’: A Text and its Contexts
Reviewed by Gillian Jein

Des pouvoirs de l'ekphrasis: l'objet auratique dans l'œuvre de Claude Simon
Reviewed by Jean H. Duffy

Echo's Voice: The Theatres of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude
Reviewed by Martina Williams

Les ‘Cahiers du chemin’ (1967–1977) de Georges Lambrichs: poétique d'une revue littéraire
Reviewed by Andy Stafford

Faire l'idiot: la politique de Deleuze
Reviewed by Sergey Toymentsev

The Fiction of J. M. G. Le Clézio: A Postcolonial Reading
Reviewed by Ruth Amar

Head Cases: Julia Kristeva on Philosophy and Art in Depressed Times
Reviewed by Marian Hobson

Lire et relire Béatrice Poncelet: une entrée en littérature
Reviewed by Sophie Heywood

Reviewed by Anne N. Mairesse

Inventer le reel: le surréalisme et le roman, 1922–1950
Reviewed by Elza Adamowicz

Poétiques oulipiennes: la contrainte, le style, l'histoire
Reviewed by Natalie Berkman

France since 1815
Reviewed by Manuel Braganca

Photojournalism and the Origins of the French Writer House Museum (1881–1914): Privacy, Publicity, and Personality
Reviewed by Edward Welch

Fictions de la Grande Guerre: variations littéraires sur 14–18
Reviewed by John Flower

Fascisme français? La controverse
Reviewed by Edward Ousselin

La Vie culturelle dans la France occupée (1914–1918)
Reviewed by Emmanuelle Loubat

From a Nation Torn: Decolonizing Art and Representation in France, 1945–1962
Reviewed by Elizabeth Geary Keohane

Francophone Cultures and Geographies of Identity
Reviewed by Emmanuel Bruno Jean-François

Literature, Geography, and the Postmodern Poetics of Place
Reviewed by Jean-François Duclos

The Art Book Tradition in Twentieth-Century Europe
Reviewed by Sarah Tribout-Joseph

Il existe d'autres mondes
Reviewed by Jesper Gulddal

Ismes: du réalisme au postmodernisme
Reviewed by Michael Tilby

The Poetics of Sleep: From Aristotle to Nancy
Reviewed by Francesca Minnie Hardy

Proses du monde: les enjeux sociaux des styles littéraires
Reviewed by Jesse Welton

Reading Literature Cognitively
Reviewed by Patrick ffrench

Rhétorique de la sincérité: la poésie moderne en quête d'un langage vrai
Reviewed by Michael G. Kelly

Au Naturel: Naturism, Nudism, and Tourism in Twentieth-Century France
Reviewed by Nicole Fayard

Existentialism and Contemporary Cinema: A Beauvoirian Perspective
Reviewed by Jenny Chamarette

The Nearness of Others: Searching for Tact and Contact in the Age of HIV
Reviewed by Enda McCaffrey

Nationalism and the Cinema in France: Political Mythologies and Film Events, 1945–1995
Reviewed by Keith Reader

In Search of ‘La Grande Illusion’: A Critical Appreciation of Jean Renoir's Elusive Masterpiece
Reviewed by Keith Reader

La Séduction du cinéma: Artaud, Pirandello et Brecht entre cinéma, littérature et théâtre (1914–1941)
Reviewed by Ben McCann

Enseignement du français: les apports de la recherche en linguistique. Réflexions en l'honneur de Marie-José Béguelin
Reviewed by Michaël Abecassis